

(日英 対照表) 特許庁 特許・実用新案審査基準 第II部 特許要件 第2章 新規性・進歩性  日英 対照表 (その1)

以下は、特許庁が公開している、 特許・実用新案審査基準

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第Ⅱ部  2  新規性・進歩性

 2   新規性・進歩性
 Chapter 2 Novelty and Inventive Step
  本章は、第 29 条第 1 項各号の新規性を有しない発明に関する規定及び同条第 2 項の進歩性を有しない発明に関する規定を扱う。
  This chapter explains matters related to the provisions of Patent Act Article 29(1) regarding inventions lacking novelty, and Article 29(2) regarding inventions lacking an inventive step.
1. Novelty
  特許法第 29 条第 1 ()
Patent Act Article 29(1) reads: (Note)
An inventor of an invention that is industrially applicable may be entitled to obtain a patent for the said invention, except for the following:
(i) inventions that were publicly known in Japan, prior to the filing of the patent application;
(ii) inventions that were publicly worked in Japan prior to the filing of the patent application; or
(iii) inventions that were described in a distributed publication in Japan or a foreign country, prior to the filing of the patent application.
()平成 12  1  1 日以降の出願に適用される条文は以下のとおり。
(Note) A provision applied to an application on or after Jan.1, 2000 is as follows.
  特許法第 29 条第 1 
Patent Act Article 29(1) reads:
An inventor of an invention that is industrially applicable may be entitled to obtain a patent for the said invention, except for the following:
(i) inventions that were publicly known in Japan or a foreign country, prior to the filing of the patent application;
(ii) inventions that were publicly worked in Japan or a foreign country, prior to the filing of the patent application;
(iii) inventions that were described in a distributed publication, or inventions that were made publicly available through an electric telecommunication line in Japan or a foreign country, prior to the filing of the patent application.

(参考:電気通信回線を通じて公衆に利用可能となった発明( 29 条第 1項第 3 )の扱いについては、第 5章を参照)
(Reference: Handling of inventions which were made available to the public through electric telecommunication lines (Patent Act Article 29 (1)(iii)), see Chapter.5)
1.1   29 条第 1 項の規定の趣旨
1.1 Purport of the Provision of Patent Act Article 29(1)
  特許制度の趣旨は発明の公開の代償として独占権を付与するものであるから、特許権が付与される発明は新規な発明でなければならない。第29 条第 1 項各号の規定は、新規性を有しない発明の範囲を明確にすべく、それらを類型化して規定したものである。
The purport of the Patent System is to grant an exclusive right that is a reward for the disclosure of an invention, so that an invention which deserves a patent should be novel. The provision of Patent Act Article 29(1)(i) to (iii) categorizes inventions lacking novelty, in order to define the scope of such inventions.
1.2   29 条第 1 項各号
1.2 Patent Act Article 29(1)(i)–(iii)
1.2.1  特許出願前
1.2.1 Prior to the Filing of the Patent Application
  「特許出願前」とは、「特許出願の日前」とは異なり、出願の時分までも考慮したものである。    したがって、例えば、午前中に日本国内において公知になった発明についてその日の午後に特許出願がされたときは、その発明は特許出願前に日本国内において公然知られた発明である。また、ある発明が記載された刊行物が外国において頒布された時間が、日本時間に換算して午前中のとき、その発明についてその日の午後に特許出願がされたときは、その発明は特許出願前に外国において頒布された刊行物に記載された発明である。 
"Prior to the filing of the patent application," not stating "prior to the date of filing of a patent application," implies the definite time even in hours and minutes of the filing.   Consequently, the invention filed is deemed publicly known in Japan prior to the filing of a patent application, for instance, when the application is filed after noon on the date while the   invention in question is publicly known before noon on the same date in Japan. The invention filed is deemed as having been described in a distributed publication in foreign countries prior to the filing of the patent application, when the application is filed after noon on the date in Japan while the publication is distributed in foreign countries before noon on the same date in Japan.
1.2.2  公然知られた発明
1.2.2 Publicly Known Invention
「公然知られた発明」とは、不特定の者に秘密でないものとしてその内容が知られた発明を意味する。  守秘義務を負う者から秘密でないものとして他の者に知られた発明は「公然知られた発明」である。発明者又は出願人の秘密にする意思の有無は関係しない。  学会誌などの原稿の場合、一般に、原稿が受付けられても不特定の者に知られる状態に置かれるもので(2006.6) はないから、その原稿の内容が公表されるまでは、その原稿に記載された発明は公然知られた発明とはならない。 
A "publicly known invention" within the meaning of Article 29(1)(i) means an invention the contents of which have been known to an unspecified person without obligation of secrecy.   An invention, which is disclosed by a person assuming a duty confidence to a third party without being aware of the secret nature, results in the "publicly known invention," irrespective of the inventor’s or the applicant’s intent to keep it secret.   For example, a manuscript for a journal of an academic society, in general, is usually kept secret against a third party, even after the receipt of the manuscript by the academic society. Therefore, the invention described in that manuscript is not considered a publicly known invention until its contents are released.
1.2.3  公然実施をされた発明
 1.2.3 Publicly Worked Invention
「公然実施をされた発明」とは、その内容が公然知られる状況 (  1) 又は公然知られるおそれのある状況( 2) で実施をされた発明を意味する 3)  
 A "publicly worked invention" within the meaning of Article 29(1)(ii) means an invention which has been worked under the conditions where the contents of the invention are to be publicly known (Note 1) or can potentially be publicly known (Note 2) & (Note 3).
 1) 「公然知られる状況」とは、例えば、工場であるものの製造状況を不特定の者に見学させた場合において、その製造状況を見れば当業者がその発明の内容を容易に知ることができるような状況をいう。 
(Note 1) "Conditions where the contents of the invention are to be publicly known" include, for example, a situation where a person skilled in the art may easily understand the contents of the invention by observing the manufacturing process associated with the invention at a plant that is exposed to an unspecified person.
 2) 「公然知られるおそれのある状況」とは、例えば、工場であるものの製造状況を不特定の者に見学させた場合において、その製造状況を見た場合に製造工程の一部については装置の外部を見てもその内容を知ることができないものであり、しかも、その部分を知らなければその発明全体を知ることはできない状況で、見学者がその装置の内部を見ること、又は内部について工場の人に説明してもらうことが可能な状況 (工場で拒否しない ) をいう。 
(Note 2) "Conditions where the contents of the invention can potentially be publicly known" include, for example, a situation where, although inner parts of the manufacturing facility cannot be known to an unspecified person (a visiting inspector) by merely observing its exterior view and the person cannot know the invention as a whole without knowing that inner parts, the person is allowed to observe the inner parts or can have the inner parts explained. (i.e., the request for observation or explanation is not to be refused by the plant.)
 3) その発明が実施をされたことにより公然知られた事実がある場合は、第 29 条第 1 項第 1 号の「公然知られた発明」に該当するから、同第 2 号の規定は発明が実施をされたことにより公然知られた事実が認められない場合でも、その実施が公然なされた場合を規定していると解される。 
(Note 3) The working of the invention, which has caused its fact to be publicly known, falls within a "publicly known invention" as stated in Patent Act Article 29(1)(i). Meanwhile, the item (ii), ibid., includes a situation where the working has been publicly conducted, even without the finding of the fact that an invention has become publicly known as a result of working.

1.2.4  頒布された刊行物に記載された発明
 1.2.4 Invention Described in a Distributed Publication
(1)   頒布された刊行物 
(1) Distributed publication

 A "publication" in the context of Article 29(1)(iii) is a document, a drawing or other similar medium for the communication of information, duplicated for the purpose of disclosing the contents to the public through distribution. 

A "Distribution" in the context of the wording “inventions described in a distributed publication” provided in Article 29(1)(iii) means placing a publication as defined above in the condition where unspecified persons can read or see it. It does not necessitate the fact of a certain person’s actual access to such a publication.
 1 :本件特許出願前に、上告人の特許出願にかかる本件発明と同一内容のフランス国特許明細書が特許庁資料館に受け入れられていたのであるから、上記明細書が出願当時一般公衆の閲覧が可能であったか否かを問わず、本件発明は、旧特許法第 4条第 2 号に該当するものといわなければならない。         ( 参考:最三小判昭 38.1.29( 昭和 36(  )1180))

[Example 1]  The invention should be said to fall under earlier Patent Act 4(2) without regard to whether the public could refer to the following specification of the application, since French patent specification that has been the same contents of the filed invention of the appellant, has been received by the JPO Industrial Property Library prior to the filing of the application for patent of the invention. (Reference: Sho 36 (O) 1180)

 2 :マイクロフィルムは、公衆がディスプレイスクリーンを使用してその内容を閲覧し、普通紙に複写してその複写物の交付を受けることができる状態になったというのであるから、本願考案の実用新案登録出願前に外国において頒布された刊行物に該当するものと解するのが相当である。  ( 参考:最一小判昭 61.7.17(昭和 61( 行ツ )18))

 [Example 2]  The microfilm should be considered as a publication distributed in a foreign country prior to the filing of the application for the utility model, since the public could refer to the contents of the film by using a display screen and obtain a copy of it. (Reference: Sho 61 (Gyo Tsu) 18)

(2)   頒布された時期の取扱い 
(2) Time of distribution
①刊行物に発行時期が記載されている場合は次のように推定する。  ( 発行の年のみが記載されているときは、その年の末日  (  ) 発行の年月が記載されているときは、その年月の末日  (  ) 発行の年月日まで記載されているときは、その年月日 
  When the time of publication is indicated in a publication, it is presumed as follows: (i) In the case where only the year of a publication is indicated, the last day of that year; (ii) In the case where a month and a year of a publication is indicated, the last day of the month of the year; and (iii) In the case where a day, a month and a year of a publication is indicated, that date.
  In the case where the date of publication is not indicated in a publication
 ) 外国刊行物で国内受入れの時期が判明しているときは、その受入れの時期から発行国から国内受入れまでに要する通常の期間さかのぼった時期に、頒布されたものと推定する。 
(i) The distribution date of a foreign publication is presumed in the light of the period normally required to reachJapan from the country of the publication, as far as the date of its receipt in Japan is clear.
 ) 当該刊行物につき、書評、抜粋、カタログなどを掲載した刊行物があるときは、その発行時期から、第Ⅱ部  2  新規性・進歩性 当該刊行物の頒布時期を推定する。 
(ii) In the case where there is a derivative publication such as a book review, an extraction or a catalog, the date of distribution of the publication in question is presumed based on the publication date of the derivative publication.
 ) 当該刊行物につき、重版又は再版などがあり、これに初版の発行時期が記載されているときは、それを頒布時期と推定する。 
(iii) In the case where there is a second edition or a second print of the publication, the date of distribution is presumed to be the publication date of the first edition indicated therein.
 ) その他適当な手掛かりがあるときは、それから頒布時期を推定又は認定する。 
() In the case where other appropriate information is available, the date of distribution is presumed or estimated therefrom.

  In the case where the filing date of a patent application is the same as the date of the Publication

In the case where the filing date of a patent application is the same as the date of the publication, the time of distribution is not deemed prior to the filing of a patent application, except when the filing time of application is clearly after the time of publication.

(3)   刊行物に記載された発明 
(3) Invention described in a publication

An "invention described in a publication" means an invention identified by the matters described or essentially described, though not literally, in a publication.
「記載されているに等しい事項」とは、記載されている事項から本願出願時における技術常識 (  ) を参酌することにより導き出せるものをいう。
"Matters essentially described, though not literally, in a publication" means those directly derivable from the matters described, taking into consideration the common general knowledge (Note) as of the filing.
 ) 技術常識とは、当業者に一般的に知られている技術 ( 周知技術、慣用技術を含む ) 又は経験則から明らかな事項をいう。    
(Note) “The common general knowledge” means technologies generally known to a person skilled in the art (including well-known or commonly used art) or matters clear from empirical rules.
"Well-known art" means technologies generally known in the relevant technical field, e.g., many prior art documents, those widely known throughout the industry, or those well-known to the extent needless to present examples. "Commonly used art" means well-known art which is used widely.

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