

(日英 対照表) 特許庁 特許・実用新案審査基準 第I部 第1章 明細書及び特許請求の範囲の記載要件 日英 対照表 その6

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3. Description Requirements of the Detailed Description of the Invention
3.1  36条第4項第1号
3.1 Patent Act Article 36(4)(i)
Patent Act Article 36(4)(i)
The statement of the detailed explanation of the invention as provided in item (iii) of the preceding Paragraph shall comply with each of the following items:

(i) in accordance with the relevant Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the statement shall be clear and sufficient as to enable any person ordinarily skilled in the art to which the invention pertains to work the invention
Regulations under the Patent Act Article 24bis (Ministerial Ordinance)
Statements of the detailed description of the invention which are to be in accordance with an ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry under Article 36(4)(i) shall state the problem to be solved by the invention and its solution, or other matters necessary for a person having ordinary skill in the art to understand the technical significance of the invention.
3.2  実施可能要件
3.2 Enablement Requirement
  「前項第三号の発明の詳細な説明の記載は、次の各号に適合するものでなければならない。   …その発明の属する技術の分野における通常の知識を有する者がその実施をすることができる程度に明確かつ十分に記載したものであること。」(第36条第4項第1号)
”The statement of the detailed explanation of the invention as provided in item (iii) of the preceding Paragraph shall comply with each of the following items: (i) in accordance with the relevant Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the statement shall be clear and sufficient as to enable any person ordinarily skilled in the art to which the invention pertains to work the invention” (Article 36(4)(i)).
[Provisions applied to applications filed on and before August 31, 2002]

The detailed description of the invention …should be described in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for the invention to be carried out by a person having ordinary skill in the art to which the invention pertains.” (Article 36(4)).
(1) This provision means that the detailed description of the invention shall be described in such a manner that a person who has ability to use ordinary technical means for research and development (including comprehension of document, experimentation, analysis and 22manufacture) and to exercise ordinary creativity in the art (a person skilled in the art) to which the invention pertains can carry out the claimed invention on the basis of matters described in the specification (excluding claims) and drawings taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing (hereinafter referred to “enablement requirement”).

(2) Therefore, if “a person skilled in the art” cannot understand how to carry out the invention on the basis of teachings in the specification (excluding claims) and drawings, taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing, then, such a description of the invention should be deemed insufficient for enabling such a person to carry out the invention. For example, if a large amount of trials and errors or complicated experimentation is needed to find a way to carry out the invention beyond the reasonable extent that can be expected from a person skilled in the art, such a description should not be deemed sufficient.
(3) “To be carried out” in Article 36(4)(i) is interpreted as meaning that “the claimed invention can be carried out.” Therefore, the detailed description of the invention must be described in such a manner sufficiently clear and complete for a person skilled in the art to carry out the claimed invention i.e., “an invention identified based on the claim statements according to the handling shown in Part II Chapter 2, 1.5.1 and 1.5.2.”
However, it is not a violation of Article 36(4)(i) that inventions, which are not claimed, are not described sufficiently to meet the enablement requirement, or those extra matters, which are unnecessary for carrying out the claimed invention, are described.

Where the descriptions supporting two or more claimed inventions would overlap, such overlapped descriptions may be omitted, provided that their relation to the claims emains clear.
(4) “To be carried out” in the provision implies being able to make and use the product in the case of an invention of a product, being able to use the process in the case of an invention of a process and being able to make a product by the process in the case of an invention of a process for manufacturing a product.
3.2.1  実施可能要件の具体的運用
3.2.1 Practices in Enablement Requirement
(1) Mode for carrying out the invention
It is necessary to describe in the detailed description of the invention at least one mode that an applicant considers to be the best (see, Note) among the “modes for carrying out the invention” showing how to carry out the claimed invention in compliance with the requirements in Article 36(4)(i).

(Note) The “mode for carrying out the invention” referred to in this Guideline is the same as prescribed in the Regulation 5.1-(a)(v) under PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty). Hereinafter it is accordingly referred to as the “mode for carrying out” as well. It would be noted that regarding a point to describe what the applicant considers to be the best, it is not required as a requirement base on Article 36(4). Therefore it does not constitute reasons for refusal even if it is clear that what an applicant for patent considers to be the best has not been described.
(2) “Mode for carrying out the invention” in the case of an invention of a product

For an invention of a product, the definition of carrying out the invention is to make 23 and use the product as mentioned above. Therefore, the “mode for carrying out the invention” also needs to be described so as to enable a person skilled in the art to make and use the product.
① “Invention of a product” is clearly explained
If an invention of a product can be recognized by a person skilled in the art based on the claim statements (i.e., the claimed invention can be identified) and can be understood from the description in the detailed description of the invention, the invention is deemed as being clearly explained.
In the case of an invention of a chemical compound, for instance, the invention should be deemed as clearly explained if the chemical compound is expressed either by name or by chemical structural formula.
A matter defining an invention of a product stated in a claim and a corresponding description in the detailed description of the invention should be consistent with each other in such a manner that the claimed invention can be understood as a whole from the detailed description of the invention.
② “Can be made
For an invention of a product, the description shall be stated so as to enable a person skilled in the art to make the product. For that purpose, the manufacturing method must be concretely described, except the case where a person skilled in the art can manufacture the product based on the description in the specification (excluding claims) and the drawings, and the common general technical knowledge as of the filing.
Where a claim includes statements defining a product by its function or characteristics, etc. and where such function or characteristics, etc. are neither standard nor commonly used by a person skilled in the art, the detailed description of the invention shall state the definition of such function or characteristics, etc. or the method for testing or measuring such function or characteristics, etc. in order for the claimed invention to satisfy the enablement requirement for the claimed invention.

In the technical field where it is difficult to predict the structure, etc. of a product from the function or characteristic, etc. of the product (e.g. chemical compounds), if a person skilled in the art cannot understand how to make another product defined by its function or characteristic, etc. other than products of which manufacturing method is concretely described in the detailed description of the invention (or those which can be made from these products taking into consideration the common general knowledge), the description of the detailed description of the invention is violating the enablement requirement. (For example, where a large amount of trials and errors or complicated experimentation are needed to find a way to carry out the invention beyond the reasonable extent that can be expected from a person skilled in the art.)
Example violating the enablement requirement: R-acceptor activating compounds obtained by a specific screening method.

There are no descriptions as to chemical structures or manufacturing methods of R-receptor activating compounds other than the newly obtained X, Y, and Z disclosed as working examples, and there is no other clue to infer the chemical structure, etc.
Also, it is required to describe how each matter defining the invention of the product works (role of each matter) (namely, “operation” of each matter) if a person skilled in the art24 needs it for manufacturing the product of an invention.

On the other hand, when a person skilled in the art can manufacture the product from the statements on the structure shown as a working example or from the common general knowledge as of the filing, it does not constitute violation of the enablement requirement even though there is no statement as to manufacturing method thereof.
③ “Can be used
For an invention of a product, the description shall be stated in the detailed description of the invention so as to enable a person skilled in the art to use the product. To meet this, the way of using the product shall be concretely described except where the product could be used by a person skilled in the art without such explicit description when taking into account the overall descriptions of the specification (excluding claims), drawings and the common general knowledge as of the filing.
For example, in the case of the invention of a chemical compound, it is necessary to describe more than one specific use with technical significance in order to show that the chemical compound concerned can be used.
Also, it is required to describe how each matter defining the invention of the product works (role of each matter) (namely, “operation” of each matter) if a person skilled in the art needs it for using the product of an invention.
On the other hand, the usage of the product need not be explicitly described in the detailed description of the invention where a person skilled in the art can use it by taking into account, for example, descriptions for the structure of the invention disclosed as a working example or the common general knowledge as of the filing.
(3) “Mode for carrying out the invention” in the case of an invention of a process

For an invention of a process, the definition of carrying out the invention is to use the process as mentioned above. Therefore, a “mode for carrying out the invention” for an invention of a process also needs to be described so as to enable a person skilled in the art to use the process.
① ”Invention of a process” is clearly explained
If an invention of a process can be recognized by a person skilled in the art based on the claim statements (i.e., a claimed invention can be identified) and can be understood from the description in the detailed description of the invention, the invention is deemed as being clearly explained.
② ”Process can be used”
There are various types of process inventions other than those for manufacturing a product (so-called “pure process”) such as a process of using a product, a process for measuring or process for controlling, etc. For any type of process inventions, the description of the invention shall be stated so as to enable a person skilled in the art to use the process by taking into account the overall descriptions of the specification (excluding claims), drawings and the common general knowledge as of the filing.
(4) “Mode for carrying out the invention” in the case of an invention of a process for manufacturing a product

Where an invention of a process is directed to “a process for manufacturing a 25 product,” the definition of “the process can be used” means that the product can be manufactured by the process. Therefore, a “mode for carrying out the invention” for an invention of a process for manufacturing a product also needs to be described so as to enable a person skilled in the art to manufacture the product.
① ”Invention of a process for manufacturing a product“ is clearly explained

If an invention of a process for manufacturing a product can be recognized by a person skilled in the art based on the claim statements (i.e., a claimed invention can be identified) and can be understood from the description in the detailed description of the invention, the invention is deemed as clearly explained.
② ”Product can be manufactured by the process”
For an invention of a process for manufacturing a product, various types exist including a process for producing goods, a process for assembling a product, a method for processing a material, etc. Any of these consists of such three factors as i) materials, ii) process steps and iii) final products. For an invention of a process for manufacturing a product, the description shall be stated so as to enable a person skilled in the art to manufacture the product by using the process. Thus, these three factors shall in principle be described in such a manner that a person skilled in the art can manufacture the product when taking into account the overall descriptions of the specification (excluding claims), drawings and the common general knowledge as of the filing.
Of these three factors, however, the final products may be understood from descriptions of materials and process steps. (For instance, a process for assembling a simple device where structures of parts are not subject to any change during the process steps.) In such a case, descriptions on the final products may be omitted.
(5) How specifically the detailed description of the invention must be described.
When embodiments or working examples are necessary in order to explain the invention in such a way that a person skilled in the art can carry out the invention, “the mode for carrying out the invention" should be described in terms of embodiments or working examples (see, Note Article 24, Form 29, Regulations under the Patent Act). The explanation should be done by citing drawings, if any. Embodiments or working examples specifically show the mode for carrying out the invention. (Regarding an invention of a product, for instance, those, which specifically show how to make it, what structure it has, how to use it, etc.)
In cases where it is possible to explain the invention so as to enable a person skilled in the art to carry out the invention, neither embodiments nor working examples are necessary.
Where an invention of a product is not defined by such specific means as its structure but defined by its function, character, etc., a specific means which is capable of performing the function or character shall be explicitly described in the detailed description of the invention, except where it could be understood by a person skilled in the art without such explicit descriptions taking into account the overall descriptions of the specification (excluding claims), drawings and the common general knowledge as of the filing.
In the case of inventions in technical fields where it is generally difficult to infer how to make and use a product on the basis of its structure (e.g., chemical compounds), normally one or more representative embodiments or working examples are necessary which enable a person skilled in the art to carry out the invention.

Also, in the case of use inventions (e.g., medicine) using the character of a product etc., the working examples supporting the use are usually required.
(6) Relation between statements in the claim and description in the detailed description of the invention
① As mentioned in (1) above, at least one mode for carrying out the invention needs to be described in terms of claimed invention.” For not all embodiments nor all alternatives within the extent of the claimed invention, the mode for carrying out the invention needs to be described.
However, when the examiner can show well-founded reasons that a person skilled in the art would be unable to extend the particular mode for carrying out the invention in the detailed description of the invention to the whole of the field within the extent of the claimed invention, the examiner should determine that the claimed invention is not described in such a manner sufficiently clear and complete to be carried out by a person skilled in the art.
② For example, if a claim is directed to a generic concept with only a mode for carrying out a more specific concept being described in the detailed description of the invention, and if there is a concrete reason that the description of the mode for carrying out the specific concept does not make another specific concept (*) covered by the claimed generic concept to be carried out by a person skilled in the art even taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing, then, such descriptions of the particular mode should not be deemed sufficiently clear and complete for the claimed invention to be carried out by a person skilled in the art. (*): “Another specific concept” must be one that a person skilled in the art can recognize as of the filing. The same will apply hereinafter in 3.2.1 to 3.2.3.
③ If a claim is defined in an alternative way by Markush-type formula with only a mode for carrying out a part of the claimed alternatives being described in the detailed description of the invention, and if there is a concrete reason that the descriptions of the mode for carrying out the part of alternatives does not make the rest of the alternatives to be carried out by a person skilled in the art even taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing, then, such descriptions of the particular mode should not be deemed sufficiently clear and complete for the claimed invention to be carried out by a person skilled in the art.
④ If claim statements defining the product by a result to be achieved, it should be noted that such a claim may be so broad that a person skilled in the art would be unable to extend the particular mode for carrying out the invention in the detailed description of the invention to the whole of the field within the extent of the claimed invention.

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