

(日英 対照表) 特許庁 特許・実用新案審査基準 第I部 第1章 明細書及び特許請求の範囲の記載要件 日英 対照表 その1

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第Ⅰ部  第1章  明細書及び特許請求の範囲の記載要件

第1章  明細書及び特許請求の範囲の記載要件
Chapter 1 Requirements for Description and Claims
1. Significance of the Description and Claims
The purpose of Patent System is to encourage inventions by promoting their protection and utilization so as to contribute to the development of industry (Patent Act Article 1).
The Patent System promotes protection of inventions by granting a patent right or exclusive right under certain conditions for a certain period of time to those who have
developed and disclosed new technology, while it gives the public an opportunity to gain access to the invention by disclosing technical details of the invention. The protection and
utilization of an invention as described above are promoted through a patent specification and drawings which serve both as a technical document disclosing technical details of an invention and as a document of title defining the technical scope of a patented invention accurately.
Requirements for description of the “detailed description of the invention” in a specification are provided under Patent Act Article 36(4), and requirements for description of
the claims are provided under Patent Act Article 36(5) and (6). Only a specification that meets these requirements serves both as a technical document and as a document of title.
2. Description Requirements of the Claims
The description requirements of the claims have important significance in that the technical scope of the patented invention is determined on the basis of the statements of the claim. When the claims do not satisfy the description requirements of the claims, not only the third party may be unduly restricted by the patent right, but the right holder himself/herself also
has to be involved in unnecessary disputes. Therefore, this point should be fully taken into account in examining whether or not the description requirements of the claims are complied
2.1  36条第5項
2.1 Patent Act Article 36(5)
Patent Act Article 36(5)
The scope of claims as provided in paragraph (2) shall state a claim or claims and state for each claim all matters necessary to specify the invention for which the applicant requests the
grant of a patent. In such case, an invention specified by a statement in one claim may be the same invention specified by a statement in another claim.
  本項前段は、特許出願人が特許を受けようとする発明を特定する際に、まったく不要な事項を記載したり、逆に、必要な事項を記載しないことがないようにするために、特許請求の範囲には、特許を受けようとする発明を特定するための事項を過不足なく記載すべきことを示したものである。     なお、どのような発明について特許を受けようとするかは特許出願人が判断すべきことであるので、特許を受けようとする発明を特定するために必要と出願人自らが認める事項のすべてを記載することとされている。     本項の後段は、一の発明については、一の請求項でしか記載できないとの誤解が生じないように確認的に規定されたものである。
(1) The first sentence of Article 36(5), therefore, provides that matters which the applicant deems necessary to define the invention for which a patent is sought should be stated in the
claim without excess or shortage, so that he/she neither states unnecessary matters nor omits necessary matters.
Since it is the applicant who determines for what invention to seek a patent, this Article sets forth that the applicant shall state in the claim all matters the applicant himself/herself deems necessary to define the invention for which a patent is sought.
The second sentence is provided that the first sentence is not misunderstood that a single invention shall not be defined in more than a single claim.
(2) Article 36(5) also makes clear the nature of the claims. By clearly providing that it is in a claim that an applicant states matters which he/she deems necessary to define the
invention for which a patent is sought, this Article makes clear that the technical scope of the patented invention is determined on the basis of the statements of the claim and that the subject of the examination is the invention identified based on the statements of the claim.
(3) The patent claim(s) must be separated into one or more claims each of which sets forth matters which the applicant deems necessary to define the invention for which a patent is
sought. A claim constitutes a basic unit for the determination of patentability (Patent Act Articles 29, 29bis, 39 and 32), effect of a patent right (Article 68), abandonment of a patent right (Article 97), demanding of a trial for invalidation (Article 123), registration fees (Articles 107 and 195), etc.
2.2  36条第6項
2.2 Patent Act Article 36(6)

The statement of the scope of claims as provided in paragraph (2) shall comply with each of the following items:
(i) the invention for which a patent is sought is stated in the detailed explanation of the invention.
(ii) the invention for which a patent is sought is clear;

(iii) the statement for each claim is concise; and

(iv) the statement is composed in accordance with the relevant Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
2.2.1  36条第6項第1号
2.2.1 Patent Act Article 36(6)(i)
(1) The claimed inventions should not exceed the scope described in the detail description of the invention. To state in a claim an invention that is not described in the detailed description of the invention means to seek a patent protection for an invention which is not disclosed to the public. Article 36(6)(i) is intended to prevent this happening.
  特許請求の範囲の記載が特許法第36条第6項第1号の規定に適合するかの判断は、請求項に係る発明と、発明の詳細な説明に発明として記載したものとを対比・検討することにより行う。     対比・検討にあたっては、請求項に係る発明と、発明の詳細な説明に発明として記載したものとの表現上の整合性にとらわれることなく、実質的な対応関係について審査する。単に表現上の整合性のみで足りると解すると、実質的に公開されていない発明について権利が発生することとなり、本規定の趣旨に反するからである。    

(2) A determination on whether the statement of a claim complies with Patent Act Article 36(6)(i) shall be made based on comparison and review of the claimed invention and an invention described in the detailed description. In performing the comparison and review, a substantial relationship shall be examined without being caught up by consistency of expression between the claimed invention and the statement as an invention in the detailed description of the invention. If it would be enough that there is at least consistency of expression, a patent right which has not substantially been disclosed to the public would be established, thus it is against the intention
of this provision.
Examination for the substantial relationship is performed by looking into whether or not the claimed invention exceeds the scope which described in such a way a person skilled in the art could recognize that a problem would be solved by the invention in the detailed description of the invention. In case determining that the claimed invention exceeds the scope described in such a way a person skilled in the art could recognize that a problem is solved by the invention, the claimed invention and the statement as an invention in the detailed description of the invention are not corresponding each other and the application doesn’t comply with the requirement under the Patent Act 36(6)(i).
(3) Typical cases exhibiting nonconformity to the provision of Article 36 (6) (i) are presented below:

(i) the matter corresponding to claims is neither stated nor implied in a detailed description of an invention,

(ii) the terms used in claims and those used in a detailed description of an invention are inconsistent, and as a result, the relationship between the claim and the detailed description of an invention is unclear,

(iii) the matter disclosed in a detailed description of an invention cannot be extended and generalized to the scope of the matter in a claimed invention even if taking into account the common general knowledge as of the filing (Refer to 2.2.2(3)), or

(iv) means for solving the problems described in a detailed description of an invention is not reflected in the claims, and as a result, an invention beyond the scope described in the detailed description would be claimed.
(i) The requirement of Article 36 (6) (i) of the Patent Act is examined based on what is specified in a claim by an applicant as an invention for which a patent is sought.
(ii) A claim would be described with expansion or generalization based on one or more specific examples in a detailed description of an invention. Because the maximum expansion or generalization varies with characteristics of the each technical field, the proper expansion or generalization shall be set for each application. The judgment should be carefully done not to be too restrictive by the specific examples.
(iii) In case it is determined that the content disclosed in the detailed description of the invention can neither be expanded nor generalized to the scope of the claimed invention even in the light of the common general knowledge as of the filing, an examiner shall explain the reason why it can neither be expanded nor generalized by showing the ground of the determination.
(iv) In case a solution of a problem to be solved by the invention is not reflected in the claim and, as a result, it has been determined that a patent would be claimed beyond the scope described in the detailed description of the invention, an examiner shall explain the reason by showing the problem to be solved by the invention and its solution described in the detailed description of the invention, and make an applicant understand the direction of an amendment which an applicant makes in order to avoid reasons for refusal. It would be noted that if plural problems are mentioned in the detailed description of the invention, a technical feature for solving one of those problems must be reflected in claims.

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