以下は、特許庁が公開している、 特許・実用新案審査基準
の中の、 II部 特許要件 第2章 新規性・進歩性 の日本語と英語とのページを対照させたものです。あくまで参照用ですので、実際の記載は上記URLを参照してください。
※ 右欄と被ってしまったので、当面の間は、下げて開始します
2. Inventive Step (Nonobviousness)
特許法第 29 条第 2 項
Patent Act Article 29(2) reads:
Where an invention could easily have been made, prior to the filing of the patent application, by a person with ordinary skill in the art to which the invention pertains, on the basis of an invention or inventions referred to in any of the paragraphs of Paragraph (1), a patent shall not be granted for such an invention notwithstanding Paragraph (1).
2.1 第 29 条第 2 項の規定の趣旨
2.1 Purport of the provision of Patent Act Article 29(2)
第 29 条第 2 項の規定の趣旨は、通常の技術者が容易に発明をすることができたものについて特許権を付与することは、技術進歩に役立たないばかりでなく、かえってその妨げになるので、そのような発明を特許付与の対象から排除しようというものである。
The purport of the provision of Patent Act Article 29(2) is not to grant a patent to such inventions that were easily made by a person skilled in the art, since granting a patent to such inventions does not contribute to and even hampers the progress of technology.
2.2 第 29 条第 2 項
2.2 Patent Act Article 29(2)
(1) 「前項各号に掲げる発明」とは、特許出願前に、日本国内において公然知られた発明及び公然実施をされた発明、並びに日本国内又は外国において頒布された刊行物に記載された発明すべてを指す ( 注1) 。
( 注 1) 平成 12 年 1 月 1 日以降の出願においては、特許出願前に、日本国内又は外国において公然知られた発明及び公然実施をされた発明、並びに日本国内又は外国において、頒布された刊行物に記載された発明又は電気通信回線を通じて公衆に利用可能となった発明すべてを指す。
(1) "An invention or inventions referred to in any of the paragraphs of Paragraph (1)" means any of the inventions which were publicly known or publicly worked in
(Note 1) For the application on or after Jan 1, 2000, it means any of the inventions which were publicly known or publicly worked in
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(2) 「その発明の属する技術分野における通常の知識を有する者」 ( 以下、「当業者」という。 ) とは、本願発明の属する技術分野の出願時の技術常識を有し、研究、開発のための通常の技術的手段を用いることができ、材料の選択や設計変更などの通常の創作能力を発揮でき、かつ、本願発明の属する技術分野の出願時の技術水準 ( 注 2) にあるもの全てを自らの知識とすることができる者、を想定したものである。 なお、当業者は、発明が解決しようとする課題に関連した技術分野の技術を自らの知識とすることができる。 また、個人よりも、複数の技術分野からの「専門家からなるチーム」として考えた方が適切な場合もある。
(2) "A person with ordinary skill in the art to which the invention pertains" (referred to as "a person skilled in the art" hereinafter) provides a hypothetical person: who has the common general knowledge as of the filing in the art to which the claimed invention pertains, and has ability to use ordinary technical means for research and development; who has ability to exercise ordinary creativity in selecting materials and changing designs; and who is able to comprehend as his/her own knowledge all technical matters in the state of the art (Note 2) in the field to which a claimed invention pertains at the time of filing a patent application. In addition, a person skilled in the art is supposed to be able to comprehend as his/her own knowledge all technical matters in the field of technology relevant to a problem to be solved by an invention. Further, there may be cases where it is more appropriate to think in terms of “a group of persons" than a single person.
( 注 2) 「技術水準」は、上記「前項各号に掲げる発明」のほか、技術常識、その他の技術的知識( 技術的知見等 ) から構成される。
(Note 2) "The state of the art" at the time of filing a patent application is constituted of "an invention or inventions referred to in any of the paragraphs of Paragraph (1)" and the common general knowledge and other publicly known technical matters (i.e., technical knowledge and information, etc.).
(3) 「特許出願前にその発明の属する技術の分野における通常の知識を有する者が前項各号に掲げる発明に基づいて容易に発明をすることができた」とは、特許出願前に、当業者が、第 29条第 1 項各号に掲げる発明 (引用発明 ) に基づいて、通常の創作能力を発揮することにより、請求項に係る発明に容易に想到できたことを意味する。
(3) "An invention could easily have been made, prior to the filing of the patent application, by a person with ordinary skill in the art to which the invention pertains, on the basis of an invention or inventions referred to in any of the paragraphs of Paragraph (1)" means that a person skilled in the art could have been able to easily arrive at a claimed invention by exercising ordinary creativity on the basis of the inventions provided in Article 29(1) (referred to as “cited inventions” hereinafter) prior to the filing of an application.
2.3 進歩性の判断の対象となる発明
2.3 Invention Ruled by Inventive Step Requirement
An invention to be ruled by inventive step requirement is “a claimed invention" which has met novelty requirement.
2.4 進歩性判断の基本的な考え方
2.4 Principle of Method of Determining whether a Claimed Invention Involves an Inventive Step
(1) 進歩性の判断は、本願発明の属する技術分野における出願時の技術水準を的確に把握した上で、当業者であればどのようにするかを常に考慮して、引用発明に基づいて当業者が請求項に係る発明に容易に想到できたことの論理づけができるか否かにより行う。
(1) Whether or not a claimed invention involves an inventive step is determined whether the reasoning that a person skilled in the art could have easily arrived at a claimed invention based on cited inventions can be made by constantly considering what a person skilled in the art would do after precisely comprehending the state of the art in the field to which the present invention pertains at the time of the filing.
(2) 具体的には、請求項に係る発明及び引用発明 ( 一又は複数 ) を認定した後、論理づけに最も適した一の引用発明を選び、請求項に係る発明と引用発明を対比して、請求項に係る発明の発明特定事項と引用発明を特定するための事項との一致点・相違点を明らかにした上で、この引用発明や他の引用発明( 周知・慣用技術も含む ) の内容及び技術常識から、請求項に係る発明に対して進歩性の存在を否定し得る論理の構築を試みる。論理づけは、種々の観点、広範な観点から行うことが可能である。例えば、請求項に係る発明が、引用発明からの最適材料の選択あるいは設計変更や単なる寄せ集めに該当するかどうか検討したり、あるいは、引用発明の内容に動機づけとなり得るものがあるかどうかを検討する。また、引用発明と比較した有利な効果が明細書等の記載から明確に把握される場合には、進歩性の存在を肯定的に推認するのに役立つ事実として、これを参酌する。 その結果、論理づけができた場合は請求項に係る発明の進歩性は否定され、論理づけができない場合は進歩性は否定されない。
(2) Concretely, after finding of a claimed invention and one or more cited inventions, one cited invention most suitable for the reasoning is selected. And comparison of the claimed invention with a cited invention is made, and the identicalness and the difference in matters defining the inventions are clarified. Then, the reasoning for lacking an inventive step of the claimed invention is attempted on the basis of the contents of the selected invention, other cited inventions (including well-known or commonly used art) and the common general knowledge. The reasoning can be made from various and extensive aspects. For example, the examiner evaluates whether a claimed invention falls under a selection of an optimal material, a workshop modification of design, a mere juxtaposition of features on the basis of cited inventions, or whether the contents of cited inventions disclose a cause or a motivation for a person skilled in the art to arrive at the claimed invention. If advantageous effects of the claimed invention over a cited invention can be clearly found in the description in the specification, etc., it is taken into consideration as facts to support to affirmatively infer the involvement of an inventive step. When the reasoning can be made as a result of the above method, the claimed invention should be denied its inventive step. When the reasoning cannot be made, the claimed invention should not be denied its involvement of an inventive step.
(3) なお、請求項に係る発明及び引用発明の認定、並びに請求項に係る発明と引用発明との対比の手法は「新規性の判断の手法」と共通である (1.5.1 ~ 1.5.4参照 ) 。
(3) The method of finding a claimed invention and cited inventions, and comparing the two, set forth in "Method of Determining whether a Claimed Invention is Novel" (see 1.5.1 to 1.5.4) is also applied to the determination of the inventive step requirement.
2.5 論理づけの具体例
2.5 Specific Examples of Reasoning
The reasoning can be made from various and extensive aspects. Examples are as follows.
(1) 最適材料の選択・設計変更、単なる寄せ集め
(1) Selection of an optimal material, workshop modification of design, mere juxtaposition of features
① Selection of an optimal material, workshop modification of design, etc.
Among exercises of ordinary creativity of a person skilled in the art are a selection of an optimal material from publicly known materials which achieve a specific object, an optimization of a numerical value range, a replacement with equivalents, and a workshop modification of design in applying specific technology. When the difference of a claimed invention in comparison falls only under these categories, it is usually considered that a person skilled in the art could have easily arrived at it, unless otherwise there is another ground for inferring inventive step.
例 1 :赤外線エネルギーの波長範囲が略 0.8 より 1.0μ m の赤外線波を用い送受信を行うことは、従来周知の事項であると認められる。そうすると、緊急車の運転伝達装置にこれを適用することを妨げる特段の事情も窺えない以上、これを引用発明 1 の運行伝達に適用することは、当業者にとって容易に想到し得たことと認められる。 ( 参考:東京高判平 10.7.16( 平成 9( 行ケ )86) 、阻害要因がなければ適用容易とした例 )
[Example 1] Sending or receiving with infrared waves of approximately 0.8-1.0 μm of infrared energy wavelength range is recognized as well-known art. Then, since there is no special circumstances which prevent to apply the technology to an apparatus for communicating their position of emergency vehicles, it is admitted that a person skilled in the art could have been easily arrived at the claimed invention by applying the technology for the communication of their positions of the cited invention 1. (Reference: Hei 9 (Gyo Ke) 86, Example easy to apply unless there is no obstructive factors)
例 2 :補強材で補強されていない布や紙を植物体を挟む基材として用いることは、押し花製作法における周知・慣用の技術である。そうとすれば、引用発明の可撓性吸湿板のように、補強した布や紙を用いる必要のない場合、この補強材を省いて、塩化カルシウムを吸蔵させた布や紙を基材として用いようとすることは、当業者のみならず、押し花を製作してみようと試みる一般人にとっても、単なる設計事項若しくは容易に考え出せることである。 ( 参考:東京高判平 7.2.15(平成 6( 行ケ )82 、 83))
[Example 2] Using a cloth or paper, not reinforced, as a foundation material holding plants is well-known and commonly used in making pressed flowers. Therefore, in the case where it is unnecessary to use a reinforced cloth or paper, like a bendable absorbent plate of the cited invention, it is mere a workshop modification of design or easily made to try to use a cloth or paper absorbing calcium chloride, not reinforced, not only for a person skilled in the art, but also for anyone who tries to make pressed flowers. (Reference: Hei 6 (Gyo Ke) 82, 83)
② Mere juxtaposition of features
発明を特定するための事項の各々が機能的又は作用的に関連しておらず、発明が各事項の単なる組み合わせ (単なる寄せ集め ) である場合も、他に進歩性を推認できる根拠がない限り、その発明は当業者の通常の創作能力の発揮の範囲内である。
If matters defining an invention are not linked each other functionally or operationally and the invention is a combination of each matter (mere juxtaposition of features), the invention is deemed as a mere exercise of ordinary creativity of a person skilled in the art, unless otherwise there is another ground for inferring inventive step.
例 1 :原告らの主張する顕著な作用効果なるものは、公知の個々の技術について当然予測される効果の単なる集合の域を出ないものとみるほかなく、したがって、これをもって本願発明に特有の顕著な作用効果とみることはできない。 (参考:東京高判昭 48.6.29(昭和 44( 行ケ )7))
[Example 1] The remarkable working-effect which the plaintiffs assert is not deemed to be anything but a mere combination of expected effects of each publicly known art. Thus, the effect is not deemed to be a specific remarkable working-effect of the claimed invention. (Reference: Sho 44 (Gyo Ke) 7)
(2) 動機づけとなり得るもの
(2) Probable cause or motivation
① Close relation of technical fields
An attempt to apply a technical means in a related technical field in order to solve a problem is a mere exercise of ordinary creativity of a person skilled in the art. A replaceable or add-able means in a related technical field, for example, can be a strong ground for the reasoning that a person skilled in the art would have been led to a claimed invention.
例 1 :引用発明の打止解除装置はパチンコゲーム機に関するものであるが、これを、同じ遊技ゲーム機であり、計数対象がパチンコ玉かメダルかという差異はあるもののその所定数を計数してスロットマシンを停止する打止装置を有するスロットマシンに転用することは、容易に着想し得るものであると認められる。技術の転用の容易性は、ある技術分野に属する当業者が技術開発を行うに当たり、技術的観点からみて類似する他の技術分野に属する技術を転用することを容易に着想することができるか否かの観点から判断されるべきところ、この観点からは、パチンコゲーム機の技術をスロットマシンの技術に転用することは容易に着想できることと認められる。 ( 参考:東京高判平 9.6.24( 平成 8( 行ケ)103))
[Example 1] Although the closing-release system of the cited invention relates to a pachinko game machine not a slot machine, since both relate to amusement machines, and designed to stop after counting the given number, it is allowed that converting the said closing-release system of the pachinko game machine to the slot machine is easily arrived at regardless of the difference that the counted object is a pachinko-ball or medal. Whether the conversion is easy or not should be determined from the views of whether a person skilled in the art can easily conceive the idea of converting the technology to another field to which the relevant field of this technology is technically similar when the person skilled in the art develops the technology. Thus, it is admitted for a person skilled in the art to have easily conceived to convert the technology of the pachinko game machine to the field of the slot machine from the above-mentioned perspective. (Reference: Hei 8 (Gyo Ke) 103)
例 2 :カメラとオートストロボとは常に一緒に使用されるものであり、密接に関連するので、カメラに設けられた測光回路の入射制御素子を、オートストロボの測光回路に適用することは、その適用に当たって格別の構成を採用したものでない限り、当業者が容易になし得たことである。 ( 参考:東京高判昭 57.3.18(昭和 55( 行ケ )177))
[Example 2] A camera and an automatic strobe light are always used together and are closely related. Therefore, applying the incidence control element of a photometric circuit for the camera to a photometric circuit for the automatic strobe light would have been easily made by a person skilled in the art, unless an outstanding structure is utilized in terms of the application. (Reference: Sho 55 (Gyo Ke) 177)
例 3 :引用発明 1 は段ボール紙印刷機における印刷インク回収装置に関するものであり、引用発明 2は印刷インキ等の高粘性液を供給する装置に関するものであるから、両者が同一の技術分野に属することは明らかである。そして、前記の相違点の判断において引用発明 2 から援用すべきものは、移送ポンプの駆動モータを逆転制御回路に連設することによって移送ポンプを正転・逆転に切り換えられる吐出・吸引ポンプに構成するという、極めて基礎的な技術手段にすぎないから、両者の具体的な技術的課題 ( 目的 ) が同一でないことは、引用発明 1 に対する引用発明 2 の技術手段の適用が、当業者にとってきわめて容易であったことを否定する論拠にはならない。 ( 参考:東京高判平9.6.10( 平成 8( 行ケ )21))
[Example 3] Since the cited invention 1 is related to a printing ink-withdrawing device of a printing machine for corrugated papers and the cited invention 2 is related to a furnishing device for high viscosity liquid like printing ink, the both inventions apparently belong to the same technical field. In the said judgment of differences, a matter that should be applied from the cited invention 2 is merely an extremely basic technical means wherein a transmit pump is composed of an emitting/aspiration pump convertible to normal/reverse turn by connecting a drive motor of the transmit pump to a reverse control circuit. Consequently, the reason that specific technical problems (objectives) of both are not identical cannot be a ground to deny that the application of the technical means in the cited invention 2 to the cited invention 1 is very easy for a person skilled in the art. (Reference: Hei 8 (Gyo Ke) 21)
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