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2.2.4 第36条第6項第4号
2.2.4 Patent Act Article 36(6)(iv)
This provision refers the legal requirements regarding technical rules of claim drafting
to an ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Regulations under the Patent Act Article 24ter
Statements of the scope of claim under Article 36(6)(iv) of the Patent Act which are to be in accordance with an ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry shall be as provided in each of the following items:
一 請求項ごとに行を改め、一の番号を付して記載しなければならない。
(i) for each claim, the statements shall start on a new line with one number being assigned thereto;
二 請求項に付す番号は、記載する順序により連続番号としなければならない。
(ii) claims shall be numbered consecutively;
三 請求項の記載における他の請求項の引用は、その請求項に付した番号によりしなければならない。
(iii) in the statements in a claim, reference to other claims shall be made by the numbers assigned thereto;
四 他の請求項を引用して請求項を記載するときは、その請求項は、引用する請求項より前に記載してはならない。
(iv) when a claim refers to another claim, the claim shall not precede the other claim to which it refers.
Claims are classified into independent form claims and dependent form claims roughly. Independent form claims are those defined without referring to other claims, while dependent form claims are those which refer to other preceding claims. The two types of claims differ only in the form of description, and are treated in the same manner.
| 第36条第6項第4号違反の類型
| Typical Examples of Violation of Article 36(6)(iv)
⑴ 引用形式請求項が後に記載されている請求項を引用している場合。
(1) Reference in a dependent form claim is not made to a preceding claim or claims, or
⑵ 引用形式請求項が、他の請求項をその請求項に付された番号により引用していない場合。
(2) Reference to other claim or claims is not made by the number assigned to the claim(s) referred to.
Example 1:
1. A ball bearing as defined in claim 2 that is provided with an annular cushion
around the outer race.
2. A ball bearing having a specific structure.
3. A process for producing the aforementioned ball bearing by use of a specific method.
| 請求項の記載形式―独立形式と引用形式―
| Descriptive Form of Claims - Independent Form or Dependent Form -
⑴ 独立形式請求項
(1) Independent form claims
It is permissible to define an invention by using an independent form claim regardless of whether or not the invention defined in the independent form claim is identical with the invention defined in any other claim.
⑵ 引用形式請求項
(2) Dependent form claims
① Typical dependent form claims
Dependent form claims may be utilized to simplify the statements of claims by avoiding repetition of the same expressions and phrases. It is permissible to define an invention by use of a dependent form claim regardless of whether or not the invention defined in the dependent form claim is identical with the invention defined in the claims referred to.
In a typical case, a dependent form claim can be used when a claim includes all the features of another preceding claim.
By using the dependent form claims in such cases, repetition of the same expressions can be avoided, while enabling clearer distinction between the dependent form claim and the claim referred to, thus there would be advantageous that of reducing the applicant’s workload and at the same time facilitating interpretation of claims by other parties.
Example 1: Typical dependent form claims
1. A building wall material incorporating heat insulator.
2. A building wall material as defined in Claim 1 wherein the heat insulator consists of polystyrene form.
② Dependent form claims other than described above
Claims may be written in dependent form to simplify the statements of claims by making reference to other claims, when writing claims which substitute a part of the matters defining invention of other preceding claims or when writing claims in a different category from that of other preceding claims, as far as the statements of the claims do not become unclear.
Example 2: Dependent form claim substituting a part of matters defining invention of the claim referred to
1. A transmission of specific construction provided with a gear drive mechanism.
2. A transmission as defined in claim 1 provided with a belt drive mechanism in place of said gear drive mechanism.
Example 3: Dependent form claim referring to another claim expressed in a different category
1. A ball bearing with specific construction.
2. A process for producing the ball bearing as defined in claim 1 by use of a specific method.
Example 4: Dependent form claim referring to a sub-combination
1. A bolt with a male thread of specific configuration.
2. A nut with a female thread of certain configuration that matches the bolt as defined in claim 1.
(Note) A “sub-combination” refers to an invention of each device or step of the “combination” thereof while an invention of a “combination” refers to an invention of a whole device combining two or more devices or of a manufacturing process combining two or more steps.
③ Multiple dependent form claim
Multiple dependent form claims are claims defined by making reference to two or more claims (regardless of independent or dependent), and are utilized in simplifying the statements of the claim.
Claims of this form have advantage over the case claiming separately plural simple dependent form claims, in terms of the workload and fees, but also have such disadvantages as being subject to abandonment or invalidation collectively as a package. The choice between the simple dependent form claims and the multiple dependent form claims should therefore be made by weighing the merits and demerits of the respective claiming practice, and is left to the applicant's discretion.
In the light of conciseness and clearness, multiple dependent form claims preferably refer to two or more claims in alternative form, and impose an identical technical limitation on the respective claims referred to. (See Note 14d of Form 29bis, Regulations under the Patent Act)
Example 5: Multiple dependent form claims
1. An air conditioner of specific construction.
2. An air conditioner as defined in claim 1 provided with a wind direction regulating means.
3. An air conditioner as defined in claim 1 or 2 provided with a flow regulating means.
Claiming in multiple dependent forms is permissible in the following case because the claim statement is concise and the claimed invention is clear, even though reference is made to two or more claims in non-alternative form, and an identical technical limitation is not imposed on the respective claims referred to.
Example 6:
1. A bolt provided with a male thread of specific configuration.
2. A nut provided with a female thread of specific configuration.
3. A fastening apparatus comprising the bolt as defined in claim 1 and the nut as defined in claim 2.
⑶ 請求項の記載形式に関する施行規則様式備考と拒絶理由との関係
(3) Relation between the Note of Form, Regulations under the Patent Act on descriptive form of claims and the reason for refusal.
If a multiple dependent form claim refers to two or more claims in non-alternative form or if it does not impose an identical technical limitation on the respective claims referred to, it does not comply with the instruction on claiming practice which is provided in Note 14d of Form 29 of Regulations under Patent Act. This instruction, however, is not one of the legal requirements provided in the Act as a basis of a decision of refusal. Therefore, mere non-compliance with the instruction does not constitute a reason for refusal of an application (See Example 3). On the other hand, such a case as Example 1 or 2 should be determined as violating Article 36(6)(ii) because it make a claimed invention unclear.
Example 1: The claimed invention becomes unclear due to the unclear description caused by
non-alternative reference to other claims. (Violation of
1. An air conditioner with specific construction.
2. An air conditioner as defined in claim 1 provided with a wind direction regulating means.
3. An air conditioner as defined in claims 1 and 2 provided with a flow regulating means.
Example 2: The category of the claimed invention becomes unclear due to the reference being
made to claims of different subjects (categories), although an identical technical
limitation is imposed on the claims referred to. (Violation of
1. An artificial heart with specific structure.
2. A process for producing an artificial heart of specific construction, comprising specific methods.
3. An artificial heart as defined in claim 1 provided with a safety device, or a process for producing the artificial heart as defined in claim 2 provided with a safety device.
Example 3: Although not complying with the instructions in the Note of Form, Regulations under the Patent Act in that an identical technical limitation is not imposed on the respective claims referred to, the alternatives in the claim have a similar characteristics or function and it does not violate
1. An air conditioner with specific structure.
2. An air conditioner as defined in claim 1 provided with a wind direction regulating means.
3. An air conditioner as defined in claim 1 provided with a flow regulating means, or air conditioner as defined in claim 2 provided with a timer means.
2.2.5 第36条第6項違反の拒絶理由通知
2.2.5 Notice of Reason for Refusal on Violation of Article 36(6)
⑴ 第36条第6項違反として拒絶理由を通知する場合は、違反となる請求項及び違反する号(第1号から第4号)を、その理由とともに記載し、その判断の根拠となった明細書等の特定の記載を指摘する。
(1) When notifying the reason for refusal on the ground of violation of Article 36(6), the examiner should identify the claim violating the provision and the Item (i.e., any of (i) to (iv) of Article 36(6)) constituting the ground of a decision of refusal, and should state the reason thereof along with pointing out the particular portion of the specification and drawings which (s)he deems as the basis of the judgment.
⑵ 出願人はこれに対して意見書、実験成績証明書等により反論、釈明をすることができる(注)。そしてこれらにより出願人の主張が受け入れられると判断されたときは、拒絶理由は解消する。出願人の反論、釈明を参酌しても、各号の規定(例えば、特許を受けようとする発明が明確であること)に適合するといえないとき(真偽不明の場合を含む)は、その拒絶理由により拒絶の査定を行う。
(2) An applicant may make an argument or clarification against the notice of reason for 21 refusal by submitting written arguments or certificates of experimental result, etc (see, Note). Where the applicant's arguments are confirmed to be adequate by examining the submitted evidence, the reasons for refusal shall be deemed overcome. Where the applicant's argument does not change the examiner's conviction at all or where it succeeds in denying the examiner's conviction only to the extent that truth or falsity becomes unclear, the examiner makes a decision of refusal on the ground which is earlier notified by the notice of reason for refusal.
(Note) For example, the applicants may explain that the words described in the claim which were judged not to be understood by the examiner could be included in the common general knowledge. When the claim includes the product that is defined by unique parameters, the applicants may explain the relation between that product and the technical standard as of the filing by showing the comparison with the publicly known products which have identical or similar effect.
3. Description Requirements of the Detailed Description of the Invention
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