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↓ 第36条第6項第1号違反の類型
| Typical Examples of Violation of Article 36(6)(i)
⑴ 発明の詳細な説明中に、請求項に記載された事項と対応する事項が、記載も示唆もされていない場合。
(1) It is clear for a person skilled in the art that a matter corresponding to what is claimed is neither stated nor implied in the detailed description of the invention.
Example 1: A claim has a numerical limitation while any specific numerical value is neither stated nor implied in the detailed description of the invention.
Example 2: A claim is solely directed to an invention using an ultrasonic motor while the detailed description of the invention states only the embodiment of the invention using a D.C. motor and it neither states nor implies anything about using an ultrasonic motor.
⑵ 請求項及び発明の詳細な説明に記載された用語が不統一であり、その結果、両者の対応関係が不明りょうとなる場合。
(2) Terms used in the claims and those used in the detailed description of the invention are inconsistent for a person skilled in the art, and as a result, the relation between the claim and the detailed description of the invention is unclear.
Example 3: It is unclear whether the “data processing means” of a word processor stated in the claims corresponds to the “means for changing the size of characters” in the detailed description, or corresponds to the “means for changing line spacing” in the detailed description, or both of them.
⑶ 出願時の技術常識に照らしても、請求項に係る発明の範囲まで、発明の詳細な説明に開示された内容を拡張ないし一般化できるとはいえない場合。
(3) In case the content disclosed in the detailed description of the invention cannot always be expanded or generalized to the scope of the claimed invention even in the light of the common general knowledge as of the filing.
Example 4: While R acceptor activation compounds which were obtained by the particular screening method are claimed comprehensively, there are no descriptions as to chemical structures or manufacturing methods of R acceptor activation compounds other than the newly obtained X, Y, and Z disclosed as concrete examples in the detailed description of the invention and no chemical structure nor manufacturing method other than the above are described, and the chemical structure etc could not be presumed in the light of the common general knowledge as of the filing.
Example 5: While a claimed invention is going to be identified by a result which is brought in (e.g. a scope of desired energy efficiency), only concrete example of the invention by specified means is described in the detailed description of the invention, and in the light of the common general knowledge as of the filing it cannot be said that a person skilled in the art could expand or generalize the relevant specified teaching to the whole scope of the claim.
Example 6: While only “DNA encoding a protein having an activity A”, that is, DNA which is identified by only function are claimed, only one specified nucleotide sequence is described in the detailed description of the invention or drawings as the DNA
encoding a protein having an activity A. In the light of the common general knowledge as of the filing, it could not be said that the claimed invention could be expanded or generalized to the DNA which both has low similarity with the specified sequence and encodes a protein having an activity A.
Example 7: While therapeutic agent for a specified purpose with the compound defined by desired properties as effective ingredient is comprehensibly claimed, and in the detailed description of the invention usefulness as therapeutic agent for a specified purpose is verified for only a small part of detailed compound which is included in the claim, a person skilled in the art could not presume, beyond this, the usefulness 5 of chemical substances in general included in the claim as therapeutic agent in the light of the common general knowledge as of the filing.
Example 8: While an invention of chemical substance is claimed and the chemical substance is defined in Markush-type formula which has multiple alternatives, only concrete manufacturing examples about the chemical substance having specified backbone structure included in the alternatives are described in the detailed description of the invention. For chemical compounds having other backbone structure, it could not be said that a person skilled in the art clearly understands the structure with the same level as described.
Example 9: While an antiemetic drug having an ingredient A as an active ingredient is claimed, neither description about pharmacological test method nor pharmacological data are described in the detailed description of the invention, and furthermore it could not be said that it is possible to presume that the ingredient A is effective as an antiemetic drug in the light of the common general knowledge as of the filing.
Example 10: In an invention which is going to specify a product (e.g., a polymer composition, a plastic film, a synthetic fiber or a tire) by limiting function and characteristic etc. numerically, sufficient numbers of concrete examples throughout the whole numerical range described in the claim are not shown, and furthermore by referring other description in the detailed description of the invention or in the light of the common general knowledge as of the filing, it could not be said that the relevant concrete examples could be expanded or generalized to the whole numerical range described in the claim.
⑷ 請求項において、発明の詳細な説明に記載された、発明の課題を解決するための手段が反映されていないため、発明の詳細な説明に記載した範囲を超えて特許を請求することとなる場合。
(4) As a solution for the problem to be solved, which is described in the detailed description of the invention, is not reflected in the claim, a patent beyond the scope described in the detailed description of the invention comes to be claimed.
Example 11: In the detailed description of the invention while only protocol conversion processing prior to data transfer is described as an invention in order to solve only a problem of inconvenience in the data transfer due to different data format depending on one information terminal to another mainly, the content regarding conversion of data format is not reflected in the claim.
Example 12: As a problem to be solved how to prevent excessive automobile speed, while a mechanism which aggressively increases force to step on the accelerator pedal with increasing speed is disclosed in the detailed description of the invention, it only sets down that a means for variable operation force has been installed to vary the force required to operate a means of acceleration with increasing speed in the claim, and as it does not specify a matter to increase the force required to operate a means of acceleration with increasing speed, and, as a result, the patent comes to be claimed about decreasing operation force required with increasing speed.
2.2.2 第36条第6項第2号
2.2.2 Patent Act Article 36(6)(ii)
⑴ 特許請求の範囲の記載は、これに基づいて新規性・進歩性等の特許要件の判断がなされ、これに基づいて特許発明の技術的範囲が定められるという点において重要な意義を有するものであり、一の請求項から発明が明確に把握されることが必要である。
(1) The statement in the claim has significance to be used for the basis of the identifying 6 the claimed invention which is an object for judgment of requirements for patentability such as novelty and inventive step, etc., and also used to secure the mission for specifying the technical scope of the patented invention. Thus, it is necessary that an invention can be clearly identified from one claim.
This Article is intended to maintain these functions of claims and make it clear that claim statements should be such that an invention for which a patent is sought can be clearly identified. Where an invention for which a patent is sought cannot be clearly identified on the basis of statements of each claim, the claimed invention cannot be examined precisely on patentability such as novelty or inventive step, etc., and the technical scope of a patented invention cannot be understood.
For an invention for which a patent is sought being clearly identified, it is necessary that the scope of concrete things which pertain to an invention for which a patent is sought (hereinafter referred to “the scope of an invention”) (see, Note 1), and, as a premise, matters stated to define an invention for which a patent is sought should be clearly understood.
(Note 1) The judgement of requirements for patentability such as novelty and inventive step and the understanding of the technical scope of the patented invention for which a patent is sought usually are made on the basis of concrete things which pertain to an invention for which a patent is sought as a clue.
⑵ また、請求項の制度の趣旨に照らせば、一の請求項に記載された事項に基づいて、一の発明が把握されることも必要である(⑷を参照)。
(2) Considering that a claim constitutes a basic unit for the effect of a patent right and registration fees, etc., a single invention should be identified based on the statement of a single claim (Refer to
⑶ 発明の把握は、第36条第5項の規定により請求項に記載された、特許出願人が特許を受けようとする発明を特定するために必要と認める事項(以下、「発明を特定するための事項」という。)に基づいて行う。ただし、発明を特定するための事項の意味内容の解釈にあたっては、請求項の記載のみでなく、明細書及び図面の記載並びに出願時の技術常識(注2)をも考慮する。
(3) Identification of a claimed invention should be made primarily based on the matters which an applicant for a patent considers necessary in defining the invention for which a patent is sought under Article 36(5) (hereinafter merely referred to “matters to define an invention” or “matters defining an invention”), not only the claim description but also the description in the description or drawings and common general knowledge as of the filing (see, Note 2) may be taken into consideration in interpreting the meanings or contents of matters (terms) defining the invention.
In the identification of a claimed invention, matters not stated in a claim should not be considered. On the contrary, the matters to define an invention as far as they are stated in the claim should be considered.
(Note 2) The common general knowledge means technologies generally known to a person skilled in the art including theories of a technology and empirical rules. Therefore, the common general knowledge includes method of experimentation, of analysis, of manufacture, etc., as far as they are generally known to a person skilled in the art. Whether or not a certain technical matter is generally known to a person skilled in the art should be determined based upon not only how many documents show the technical matter but also how much attention has been given to the technical matter by such a person. The common general knowledge is a broader concept than the well-known art and the commonly used art.
(“Well-known art” means technologies generally known in the relevant technical field, e.g., by many prior art documents, those widely known throughout the industry, or those well-known to the extent needless to present examples. “Commonly used art” 7 means well known art which is used widely.)
⑷ 具体的には、請求項の記載がそれ自体で明確であると認められる場合は、明細書又は図面中に請求項の用語についての定義又は説明があるかどうかを検討し、その定義又は説明によって、かえって請求項の記載が不明確にならないかを判断する。例えば、請求項の用語についてその通常の意味と矛盾する明示の定義がおかれているときや、請求項の用語が有する通常の意味と異なる意味を持つ旨の定義が置かれているときは、請求項の記載に基づくことを基本としつつ発明の詳細な説明等の記載をも考慮するという請求項に係る発明の認定の運用からみて、いずれと解すべきかが不明となり、特許を受けようとする発明が不明確になることがある。
(4) Where the statement in a claim are deemed clear by itself, the examiner should examine whether a term in the claim is defined or explained in the description or drawings, and evaluate whether such definition or explanation, if any, makes the claim statements unclear. For example, if a clear definition of a term used in a claim, which is either completely inconsistent with or different from what it normally means, is placed in the detailed description of the invention, such a definition could make the invention unclear. This is because such a definition could raise confusion in interpretation of the term under the practice for identification of a claimed invention which is done by taking into consideration the description, drawings and common general knowledge as of the filing although the primary basis for the identification is statements of the claim.
Where the statement in a claim are deemed unclear by itself, the examiner should examine whether a term in the claim is defined or explained in the description or drawings, and should evaluate whether such definition or explanation, if any, makes the claim statements clear by considering the common general knowledge as of the filing. If the examiner deems that an invention can be clearly identified as a result of this evaluation, the requirement of Article 36(6)(ii) is met. It would be noted that it goes without saying that content of description of the claim by itself should not be made unclear particularly by using ambiguous or unclear terms and by using what can be made clear in a scope of claims which is merely described in the detailed description of the invention.
① Article 36(5) provides that “In the patent claim(s), all matters necessary to specify the invention for which the applicant requests the grant of a patent, should be stated.”Considering the spirit of this Article, various forms of expression can be used in the claim by the applicant to define an invention for which a patent is sought.
For example, in the case of “an invention of a product”, various forms of expression such as operation, function, property, characteristics, method, usage and others can be used as matters to define an invention, in addition to the forms of expression such as combination of products or the structure of products. Similarly, in the case of “an invention of a process (a sequence of acts or operations connected in time series)”, productions used therefore and others can be used as the forms of expression for defining an invention, in addition to such form of combination of processes (acts or operations).
② On the other hand, since a claim should be stated in such a manner that an invention for which a patent is sought can be clearly identified from a single claim according to the provision of Article 36(6)(ii). Therefore, it should be noted that such definition of an invention is allowed as far as the claimed invention can be clearly identified.
For example, in the technical field where the structure of a product can hardly be predicted from its operation, function, property or characteristics (hereinafter referred to “function or characteristics, etc.”), it should be noted that the scope of an invention tends to be unclear in many cases as a result of defining the product by its function or characteristics, etc. (e.g. inventions of chemical substances). The same is applied to cases where a claim includes the definition of a product by a unique parameter (see, Note 3).
(Note 3) “Unique parameters” means those which fall under (i) or (ii) below:
(i) a case where the parameter is neither standard, commonly used by a person skilled in the art in the relevant technical field nor comprehensible of its relation to a commonly used parameter to a person skilled in the art if the parameter is not commonly used; or
(ii) a case where plural of parameters each of which is either standard, commonly used by a person skilled in the art in the relevant technical field or comprehensible of its relation to a commonly used parameter to a person skilled in the art if the parameter is not commonly used, are combined in a claim so that the claim statements as a whole fall under (i).
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