

(日英 対照表) 特許庁 特許・実用新案審査基準 第I部 第1章 明細書及び特許請求の範囲の記載要件 日英 対照表 その3

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  36条第6項第2号違反の類型 Typical Examples of Violation of Article 36(6)(ii)
Typical examples of statements in the specification violating Patent Act Article 36(6)(ii) are shown below.
(1) The invention for which a patent is sought is unclear resulting from the statement of the claim itself being unclear.
For example, in a case where a claim includes statements inadequate as Japanese language expression such as errors or ambiguous description, thereby a claimed invention is made unclear.
It is not a violation of Article 36(6)(ii), however, if defects in the claim statements are minor and do not place the claimed invention unclear to a person skilled in the art.
(2) The invention for which a patent is sought is unclear resulting from the technical defect existing in matters defining the invention or from the technical meaning or technical relation of matters defining the invention being not comprehensible.
① Claim states technically incorrect matters.
例1:「4060質量%のA成分と、3050質量%のB成分と、2030質量%のC成分からなる合金」 (三成分のうち一のもの(A)の最大成分量と残りの二成分(B、C)の最小成分量の和が100%を超えており、技術的に正しくない記載を含んでいる。)

Example 1:”Alloy composed of 40 to 60wt% A, 30 to 50wt% B, and 20 to 30wt% C" (In this claim statement, the total sum of the maximum amount of component A and the minimum amounts of components B and C exceeds 100wt%.)
② Technical meaning of matters defining the invention can not be understood.

When the technical meaning of the matters defining the invention can not be understood, the finding of a claimed invention, which is the premise of judgment of requirements for patentability such as novelty and inventive step, etc., can not be performed. Thus It constitutes the violation of Article 36(6)(ii).
Example 1: “Dying powder defined in a specific numerical limitation of a specific formula X” (The specific formula X is shown only as a result to be obtained and its technical meaning can not be understood even when taking into consideration the description, drawings, and the common general knowledge as of the filing. However, when the process that leads to the formula or the reason to determine the numerical limitation of the formula, etc., (including the case where the numerical limitation is obtained from the result of the experimentation) is described in the description, the technical meaning may be understood in most cases.)

Example 2: “Composition for adhesion including component Y of which viscosity is measured in accordance with the test method in X laboratory is a – b Pascal second.” (The technical definition or test method in X laboratory is not shown in the detailed description of the invention, and it is not the common general knowledge as of the filing.)
③ Matters defining the invention are inconsistent.

Example 1:A claim is directed to “a method for producing a final product D comprising the first step for producing an intermediate product B from a starting material A, and the second step for producing the said final product D from an intermediate product C” in which the intermediate product produced by the first step is different from the starting material in the second step, and the relation between the first step and the second step is not clear to a person skilled in the art even if interpreting the meaning of “the first step” and “the second step” stated in the claim by taking into consideration the description, drawings and the common general knowledge as of the filing.
④ Matters defining the invention are not related technically.
Example 1: “A road on which automobiles mounting a specific engine are traveling.”
Example 2: “An information transmission media transmitting a specific computer program.”

The transmission of information is a function inherent to the transmission media. To define the invention to be “an information transmission media transmitting a specific computer program” only means that a specific computer program is being transmitted at any time and to any place on the information transmission media. It defines the only inherent function of the transmission media, and does not specify any relation between the information transmission media and the computer program.
⑤ Non-technical matter is stated in a claim as a whole, as a result of existence of such statements as sales area or distributors.

(Note) Where a claim includes a statement to define a product by means of a trademark, such a statement is deemed as making unclear the claimed invention unless it is clear to a person skilled in the art that the product had been maintained a certain quality, composition and structure, etc., at least for a certain period of time to the filing date.

(3) The category of an invention (an invention of a product, an invention of a process, an invention of a process of manufacturing a product) for which a patent is sought is unclear, or something that does not fall in any category is stated in a claim.

Patent Act provides that “a patentee shall have an exclusive right to commercially work the patented invention” (Article 68), and gives definitions to the term “working of an invention” by categorizing inventions into an “invention of a product”, an “invention of a process,” and an “invention of a process of manufacturing a product” (Article 2(3) ). In considering them, it is inadequate to grant a patent to the claimed invention in the 10 below-mentioned examples because it makes unclear the extent of protection.
Example 1: A claim reading as “A method or apparatus comprising .... “
Example 2: A claim reading as “A method and apparatus comprising ....”
Example 3: A claim which cannot be determined whether it is directed to a product or a process as a result that the claim states only operation, function, property, objective or effect of things. An example is a claim directed to “an anti-cancer effect of chemical compound A.”

Such term in a claim as “system” (e.g., “telephone system”) is interpreted as those meaning the category of a product. “Use” is interpreted as a term meaning a method for using things which is categorized into “a process.” “Use of substance X as an insecticide” is interpreted as terms meaning “method for using substance X as an insecticide.” “Use of substance X for the manufacture of a medicament for therapeutic application Y” is interpreted as terms meaning “method for using substance X for the manufacture of a medicament for therapeutic application Y.”

(4) Matters to define the invention are expressed in alternatives and the alternatives have no similar characteristics or function with one another.

① In the light of the spirit of Article 36(6)(ii), one invention must be clearly identified from one claim by a person skilled in the art. Also, in the light of the spirit of the system of the claim, one invention must be identified based on the matter described in one claim.

② Therefore, when there exist alternatives related to matters to define an invention for which a patent is sought, it shall be a violation of Article 36(6)(ii) unless these alternatives have a similar characteristics or function with one another.
The following examples constitute violation of Article 36(6)(ii).
Example 1: A claim is directed to “specific parts or an apparatus including the said parts.”
Example 2: A claim is directed to “a transmitter or a receiver which has a specific power supply.”

Example 3: In a claim, an intermediate and a final product of a chemical compound are defined in an alternative form. It is not a violation of the requirements, however, if the intermediate per se is a final product and the intermediate and other final products meet requirements for description of Markush-type formula (See ③ below).

③ Where the claim statements in an alternative form such as Markush-type formula are directed to chemical substances, they are considered to have a similar characteristics or function if the following criteria are fulfilled:
()すべての選択肢が共通の性質又は活性を有しており、かつ、 ()()共通の化学構造が存在する、すなわちすべての選択肢が重要な化学構造要素を共有している、 又は、

(i) all alternatives have a common property or activity; and either (ii) (a) a common chemical structure is present, i.e., a significant structural element is shared by all of the alternatives, or (b) if the common chemical structure cannot be the unifying criteria, all alternatives belong to a recognized class of chemical substances in the art to which the invention pertains.

That “significant structural element is shared by all of the alternatives” in (ii)(a) above refers to cases where the compounds share a common chemical structure which occupies a large portion of their structures, or if the compounds have in common only a small portion of their structures, the commonly shared structure constitutes a structurally distinctive portion in view of existing prior art. The chemical structural element may be a single component or a combination of individual components linked together.

Further, “recognized class of chemical compounds” in (ii)(b) above means that there is an expectation from the knowledge in the art that members of the class will behave in the same way in the context of the claimed invention. In other words, each member could be substituted one for the other, with the expectation that the same intended result would be achieved.
(5) When the scope of the invention is unclear as a result of the following expression:

① Negative expressions such asexcept...“ and not...“ in claims, and as a result, the extent of the invention for which a patent is sought is unclear.
② Expressions using a numerical limitation which only indicates either a minimum or a maximum such asmore than...“ and less than..., and as a result, the extent of the invention for which a patent is sought is unclear.

③ Expressions where the standard or degree of comparison is unclear such as with slightly greater specific gravity,” “much bigger,” “low temperature,” “high temperature,” “hard to slip,” “easy to slip” or where the meaning of the term is unclear, and as a result, the extent of the invention for which a patent is sought is unclear.
④「所望により」、「必要により」などの字句とともに任意付加的事項又は選択的事項が記載された表現がある結果、発明の範囲が不明確となる場合。「特に」、「例えば」、「など」、「好ましくは」、「適宜」のような字句を含む記載もこれに準ずる。   このような表現がある場合には、どのような条件のときにその任意付加的事項又は選択的事項が必要であるかが不明で、請求項の記載事項が多義的に解されることがある。

④ Expressions where optionally added items or selective items are described along with such words aswhen desired,”“if necessary,” etc., or expressions including such words as especially,” “for example,” “etc.,” “desirably,” and suitably.Such expressions would leave unclear the condition on which of the optionally added or selective items are chosen, thus allow the claim statements to be interpreted in many ways.
⑤請求項に0を含む数値範囲限定(「0~10%」等)がある結果、発明の範囲が不明確となる場合。   発明の詳細な説明中に当該数値範囲で限定されるべきものが必須成分である旨の明示の記載があるときは、当該成分が任意成分であると解される「0~10%」との用語と矛盾し、請求項の用語が多義的になり、発明の範囲が不明確となる。これに対し、発明の詳細な説明に、それが任意成分であることが理解できるように記載されている場合には、0を含む数値範囲限定を記載してもよい。

⑤ A numerical limitation which includes zero (0) such as from 0% to 10%,” and as a result, the extent of the invention for which a patent is sought is unclear. When it is clearly stated in the detailed description of the invention that the component defined by the numerical limitation is indispensable in the above-mentioned example, such statement is inconsistent with the claim statement “from 0 to 10%” which would be interpreted as the component being discretionary and also interpreted in many ways, and the scope of the invention is deemed unclear. Conversely, if it is clearly stated in the detailed description of the invention that the component defined by the numerical limitation is discretionary, the numerical limitation including zero (0) is permissible.
⑥ A statement of a claim is made by a reference to the detailed description of the invention or drawings, and as a result, the extent of the invention for which a patent is sought is unclear.
例1:「図1に示す自動掘削機構」等の代用記載を含む請求項 (一般的に、図面は多義的に解されあいまいな意味を持つものであることから、適切でない。)
Example 1: A claim which includes such statement made by a reference as “an automatic drill 12 machine as shown in Figure 1.” (It is inadequate to refer to drawings because drawings generally have ambiguous meanings and could be interpreted in many ways.)
Example 2: A claim which includes statements made by a reference to a portion that cannot be clearly pointed out in the detailed description of the invention or drawings.
Note that, even by referring to the detailed description of the invention or drawings, an invention can be stated clearly in a claim as in the following case.
Example: In an invention related to an alloy, there is a specific relation among components of the alloy and the relation can be defined by reference to the drawings as clearly as by a numerical or other literal expression.
「図1に示す点A(  )、点B( )、点C(  )、点D(  )で囲まれる範囲内のFeCrAl及びx%以下の不純物よりなるFeCrAl耐熱電熱用合金。」

Heat-resisting FeCrAl alloy for electric-heating composed of Fe, Cr, Al within the scope circumscribed by points A( ), B( ), C( ), and D( ) shown in the Figure 1 and impurities less than X%.
  機能・特性等により物を特定する事項を含む結果、発明の範囲が不明確となる場合(注1)  (具体例は、事例集を参照。)
(6) A claim includes statements defining the product by its function or characteristics, etc., so that the scope of the invention is unclear. (see, Note 1) (Refer to “examples of examinations” for concrete cases).
① When all of the matters to define the invention relate to concrete structures or concrete means, etc., the scope of the invention is usually clear and an invention for which a patent is sought can be clearly identified from the statements of the claim. On the other hand, when the claim includes matters defining a product by its function or characteristics, etc., (see, Note 2) the scope of the invention cannot necessarily be clear and an invention for which a patent is sought may not be clearly identified.
Where a claim includes the definition of a product by its function or characteristics, etc., if a person skilled in the art can conceive a concrete product with such function or characteristics, etc. from matters to define the product stated in the claim by taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing, the scope of the invention is clear and the claimed invention would be clearly understood because the concrete matters belong to the invention would be understood, as the clue for judging requirements for patentability such as novelty and inventive step, etc., and for understanding the technical scope of the patented invention.
On the contrary, when a person skilled in the art cannot conceive a concrete product with such function or characteristics, etc., even by taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing, since the concrete matters pertaining to the invention cannot be understood, the scope of the invention usually cannot be deemed clear.
However, even when a concrete product can not be conceived, if the invention disclosed in the description or the drawings cannot be properly identified unless defining the product by its function or characteristics, etc., it is not appropriate to determine that the scope of the invention is unclear only on the basis of the ground that a concrete product can not be conceived. In this case, if the relation between the product with the function or characteristic, etc., and the technical standard as of the filing can be understood, the scope of the invention should be treated as being clear (see, Note 3).
(Note 1) Although this paragraph deals with the treatment of the claim including statements defining a “product” by its function or characteristic, etc., the same treatment is 13 applied to the claim including statements defining a method or a process, etc., by its function or characteristic, etc.
(Note 2) In principle, a function or characteristics, etc., to define a product shall be standard one. Namely, it should be either one which is defined by JIS (Japan Industrial Standard), ISO (International Standardization Organization) -standard or IEC (International Electrical Committee) -standard, or one which can be determined by a method for testing or measuring provided in these standards. (For example, “specific gravity” or “boiling-point.”).

When a function or characteristics, etc., to define a product is not standard one, the definition or method for testing or measuring thereof should be explicitly described in the detailed description of the invention and it should be made clear that such function, etc., stated in a claim is to be defined and tested by such definition or method except where it is either one which is commonly used by a person skilled in the art or one which a person skilled in the art can understand the definition or method for testing or measuring thereof.
(Note 3) Where a concrete product pertaining to the invention for which a patent is sought cannot be conceived, there may be cases where the claimed invention disclosed in the description or the drawings cannot be properly identified unless defining the product by a unique parameter or its manufacturing process. It is not appropriate to regard such an invention as unclear only on the basis of the ground that a concrete product cannot be conceived, in the light of the purpose of the Patent Act to protect the invention contributing to the industrial development.

However, even in such cases, if the relation between the product defined by such function or characteristics, etc., and the technical standard as of the filing cannot be understood, since the clue for judging requirements for patentability such as novelty and inventive step, etc., and for understanding the technical scope of the patented invention cannot be obtained, the mission conferred to the claim cannot be said to be fulfilled. Accordingly, the scope of the invention is dealt to be clear only when the relation between the product defined by its function or characteristics, etc., and the technical standard as of the filing can be understood.

② Accordingly, where the claim includes the definition of a product by its function or characteristic, etc, whether or not the scope of the invention is clear should be determined as follows.
When a person skilled in the art can conceive a concrete product with such function, etc., (for example, well-known concrete products with such function or characteristics, etc., can be illustrated, concrete products with such function, etc., can be easily arrived at, or such definition is commonly used to define the product in the relevant technical field, etc.,) from the statements in a claim defining the product by its function or characteristics, etc., by taking into the common general knowledge as of the filing (including those which can be recognized to be the common general knowledge as of the filing from the description in the specification or drawings), the scope of the invention is deemed clear.
  他方、当該機能・特性等を有する具体的な物を想定できない場合であっても、 ()当該機能・特性等による物の特定以外には、明細書又は図面に記載された発明を適切に特定することができないことが理解でき、かつ、 ()当該機能・特性等を有する物と出願時の技術水準との関係が理解できる場合は、 発明の範囲が明確でないとはいえない。
On the contrary, even when a concrete product with such function or characteristics, etc., cannot be conceived, it cannot be said that the scope of the invention is unclear in the following conditions: (i) it is understood that the invention disclosed in the description or the drawings cannot be defined unless defining the product by its function or characteristic, etc., 14 and (ii) the relation between the product with such function or characteristic, etc., and the technical standard as of the filing can be understood.
  技術水準との関係が理解できる場合としては、例えば、実験例の提示又は論理的説明によって当該機能・特性等を有する物と公知の物との関係(異同)が示されている場合等がある。   ()()のいずれかの条件を満たさない場合は、発明の範囲は不明確である。

For example, when the relation (difference) between the product with such function or characteristics, etc., and the known products are shown with the experimental result or theoretical explanation, etc., the relation with the technical standard can be understood. In cases where either (i) or (ii) is not satisfied, the scope of an invention is deemed unclear.

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