

(日英 対照表) 特許庁 特許・実用新案審査基準 第I部 第1章 明細書及び特許請求の範囲の記載要件 日英 対照表 その6

以下は、特許庁が公開している、 特許・実用新案審査基準

の中の、第I部 第1章  明細書及び特許請求の範囲の記載要件  の日本語と英語とのページを対照させたものです。あくまで参照用ですので、実際の記載は上記URLを参照してください。

※ 右欄と被ってしまったので、当面の間は、下げて開始します

3.2.2  実施可能要件違反の類型
3.2.2 Types of Violation of Enablement Requirement  発明の実施の形態の記載不備に起因する実施可能要件違反 Improper Description of Modes for Carrying Out the Invention

(1) A person skilled in the art cannot carry out the claimed invention because a technical means corresponding to a matter defining the claimed invention is described in a merely functional or abstract way in the mode for carrying out the invention and in such a manner that it is unclear and incomprehensible how the technical means should be embodied into a material, apparatus or process, even taking into consideration the common general knowledge 27 as of the filing.

(2) A person skilled in the art cannot carry out the claimed invention because the relation between each technical means corresponding to a matter defining the claimed invention is unclear and incomprehensible in the mode for carrying out the invention, even taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing.
(3) A person skilled in the art cannot carry out the claimed invention because specific numerical values such as manufacturing conditions are neither described in the mode for carrying out the invention nor can be understood by a person skilled in the art when taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing.  請求項に係る発明に含まれる実施の形態以外の部分が実施可能でないことに起因する実施可能要件違反 Part of Claim Not Supported by the Mode for Carrying Out the Invention

(1) A claim is directed to a generic concept with only a more specific concept of the generic concept being described enablingly in the detailed description of the invention, and there is a concrete reason that the description of the mode for carrying out the specific concept does not make another specific concept covered by the claim to be carried out by a person skilled in the art, even taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing. (Note that methods of experimentation and analysis may be among the common general knowledge as of the filing.)
Example: A claim is directed to a process for manufacturing a molded plastics consisting of the first step to form the plastics and the second step to correct strain of the formed plastics. The detailed description of the invention discloses, as a working example, only a process wherein the plastics being thermoplastic resin is formed by an extrusion molding and then the strain is corrected by heat-softening the molded plastics. The process for the strain correction by heat softening deems inappropriate for the case where the plastics being thermosetting resin. (A rational reasoning can be made that the strain-correction of the working example is inappropriate for thermosetting resin in view of the fact that thermosetting resin can not be soften by heating which is generally accepted as scientifically or technically correct.)

(2) A claim is defined in an alternative way by Markush-type formula with only a mode for carrying out a part of the claimed alternatives being described enablingly in the detailed description of the invention, and there is a concrete reason that the description of the mode for carrying out the part of the alternatives does not make the rest of the alternatives to be carried out by a person skilled in the art, even taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing. (Note that methods of experimentation and analysis may be among the common general knowledge as of the filing.)
例:請求項には置換基(X)としてCH OHCOOHが択一的に記載された置換ベンゼンの原料化合物をニトロ化してパラニトロ置換ベンゼンを製造する方法が記載されているが、発明の詳細な説明には、実施例として原料化合物がトルエン(XがCH  )の場合のみが示されており、その方法は、CH COOHとの著しい配向性の相違等の技術的事実からみて、原料が安息香酸(XがCOOH)の場合については不適切であるとの合理的推論が成り立つ場合。
(2) A claim is defined in an alternative way by Markush-type formula with only a mode for carrying out a part of the claimed alternatives being described enablingly in the detailed description of the invention, and there is a concrete reason that the description of the mode for carrying out the part of the alternatives does not make the rest of the alternatives to be carried out by a person skilled in the art, even taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing. (Note that methods of experimentation and analysis may be among the common general knowledge as of the filing.)

(3) A mode for carrying out the invention is described enablingly in the detailed description of the invention. For example, however, the particular mode is idiosyncratic within the extent of the claimed invention, and therefore, there is a well-founded reason that a person skilled in the art would be unable to extend the particular mode for carrying out the invention to the whole of the field within the extent of the claimed invention, even taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing. (Note that methods of experimentation and analysis may be among the common general knowledge as of the filing.)
Example: A claim is directed to “a lens system for a single-lens reflex camera consisting of three lenses, wherein the lenses are placed in order of a positive, a negative and a positive lens from the object side to the film side, wherein optical aberration of the
lens system is corrected so as to be less than X % in image height H.” The detailed description of the invention discloses, as a mode for carrying out the invention, an example of specific combination of refractive indices of three lenses, or in addition, a specific conditional formula for them so that the particular optical aberration can be done.
In the filed of optical lenses, it is generally accepted as scientifically or technically correct that an example of specific combination of refractive indices which can embody a particular optical aberration is of idiosyncratic nature. In addition, that particular disclosure such as the example of refractive indices or conditional formula does not teach any generalized conditions for manufacturing the corrected lens system. Thus, a rational reasoning can be made that a person skilled in the art would be unable to understand how to extend the particular mode for carrying out the invention to the whole of the field within the extent of the claimed invention even taking into consideration the methods of experimentation, analysis and manufacture which are generally known to a person skilled in the art as of the filing.

(4) A claim includes the product defined by the result to be achieved and only the specific working mode is described in the detailed description of the invention so as to be carried out, and therefore, there is a well-founded reason that a person skilled in the art would be unable to extend the particular mode for carrying out the invention to the whole of the field within the extent of the claimed invention, even taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing. (Note that methods of experimentation and analysis may be among the common general knowledge as of the filing.)
Example: “A hybrid car of which energy efficiency during traveling by electricity is a – b%” is stated in the claims. And only a hybrid car equipped with specific power transmission control means to obtain the energy efficiency concerned is described in the detailed description of the invention as a working mode.
And in the technical field of the hybrid car, normally, the fact that the aforesaid energy efficiency is about X% which is far lower than a% and it is difficult to realize higher energy efficiency such as a – b%, is the common general technical knowledge as of the filing. In addition, the description on the hybrid car equipped with aforesaid specific power transmission control means do not show the common solving means for realizing the aforesaid high energy efficiency. Accordingly, the rational reason can be made that a person skilled in the art would not be able to29 understand another hybrid car which brings the aforesaid result described in the claim even though taking into consideration the common art in the relevant technical field.
3.2.3  実施可能要件違反の拒絶理由通知
3.2.3 Notice of Reason for Refusal Violating Enablement Requirement
(1) Where the examiner makes a notice of reason for refusal on the ground of violation of enablement requirement under Article 36(4)(i), (s)he shall identify the claim which violates the requirement, make clear that the ground of refusal is not a violation of Ministerial Ordinance requirement but a violation of enablement requirement under Article 36(4)(i), and point out particular descriptions, if any, which mainly constitute the violation. When sending a notice of reason for refusal, the examiner should specifically point out a concrete reason why the application violates the enablement requirement.

It is recommended that the reason above should be supported by reference document. Such documents are, in principle, limited to those that are known to a person skilled in the art as of the filing. However, specifications of later applications, certificates of experimental result, written oppositions to the grant of a patent, and written arguments submitted by the applicant for another application etc. can be referred to for the purpose of pointing out that the violation stems from the descriptions in the specification and drawings being inconsistent with a fact generally accepted as scientifically or technically correct by a person skilled in the art.

(2) Against the notice of reason for refusal, an applicant may argue or clarify by putting forth written arguments or experimental results, etc (see, Note). Where the applicant's argument is confirmed to be adequate by examining the submitted evidence, the reason for refusal shall be deemed overcome. Where the applicant's argument does not change the examiner’s conviction at all or where it succeeds in denying the examiner's conviction only to the extent that truth or falsity becomes unclear, the examiner makes a decision of refusal on the ground of the notice of reasons for refusal which is earlier notified.
(注)例えば、審査官が考慮しなかった実験や分析の方法等が技術常識に属するものであり、明細書及び図面の記載とその実験や分析の方法等に基づいて、当業者が当該請求項に係る発明を実施することができる旨を意見書又は実験証明書等により明らかにすることができる。但し、後から提出された証拠等は、明細書等に記載されていなかった事項についての記載不備を補うものでないことに注意する。           (参考:東京高判平13.10.31(平成12年(行ケ)354審決取消請求事件))
(Note) For example, through a written opinion or a certified experiment result, etc., the applicant may clarify that the experiment or the method of analysis not considered by the examiner is actually pertaining to the common general knowledge as of the filing, and that a person skilled in the art can carry out the claimed invention based on such an experiment or method for analysis as well as the description in the specification and the drawings. However, it must be noted that the evidence etc which have been submitted later does not supplement an improper description about the matter which has not been described in the specification etc. (See: Tokyo High Court Decision dated on October. 31, 2001 (Hei 12 (Gyo Ke), No.354)
3.3  委任省令要件
3.3 Ministerial Ordinance Requirements
3.3.1  36条第4項第1号の規定による委任省令
3.3.1 Ministerial Ordinance under Article 36(4)(i)
”The statement of the detailed explanation of the invention as provided in item (iii) of the
preceding Paragraph shall comply with each of the following items:
(i) in accordance with the relevant Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 30the statement shall be clear and sufficient as to enable any person ordinarily skilled in the art to which the invention pertains to work the invention” (Article 36(4)(i)).

“Statements of the detailed description of the invention which are to be in accordance with an ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry under Article 36(4)(i) shall state the problem to be solved by the invention and its solution, or other matters necessary for a person having ordinary skill in the art to understand the technical significance of the invention." (Article 24bis of Regulation under Patent Act)
[The followings applied to applications filed on or before August 31, 2002]
The detailed description of the invention under the preceding Paragraph (iii) shall state the invention, as provided for in an ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for the invention to be carried out by a person having ordinary skill in the art to which the invention pertains.” (Article 36(4)).
”Statements of the detailed description of the invention which are to be in accordance with an ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry under Article 36(4) shall state the problem to be solved by the invention and its solution, or other matters necessary for a person having ordinary skill in the art to understand the technical significance of the invention." (Article 24bis of Regulation under Patent Act)
(1) Purpose of the Ministerial Ordinance
Since an invention is a creation of new technical idea, it is important that a patent application is described so as to make a person skilled in the art understand the technical significance of the invention (i.e., the technical contribution which the invention brought up) in the light of the state of the art as of the filing. A conventional way of description in the detailed description of the invention is what is an unsolved problem, in which technical field such a problem resides, and how such a problem has been solved by the invention. This way of description is convenient, as well, for understanding the technical significance of the invention.
One who wishes to obtain a hint for research and development from patent documents or to utilize useful patented invention can easily conduct a search of patent documents by paying attention to the technical problems described in the patent documents.
In determining inventive step of an invention under Article 29(2), a prior art document showing a technical problem common to the invention in question can be a ground for a decision of refusal. Therefore, judgment of inventive step is easier for applicants and third parties if both a patent application under examination and a prior art document contain descriptions of technical problems to be solved.
For these reasons, Article 24bis of the Regulation under Patent Act (Ministerial Ordinance) requires to state in the detailed description of the invention “matters necessary to understand the technical significance of the invention,” and exemplifies such matters as the problem to be solved and its solution.
3.3.2  委任省令要件の具体的運用
3.3.2 Practical Application of Ministerial Ordinance Requirements
(1) In the light of above-mentioned purposes, matters required under the Ministerial Ordinance shall be deemed as the followings in practice.
① Technical field to which an invention pertains
As “technical field to which an invention pertains,” at least one technical field to which a claimed invention pertains shall be stated in a specification.
However, the “technical field to which an invention pertains” is not required to be explicitly stated if a person skilled in the art can understand it without such explicit statements when looking into overall descriptions in the specification (excluding claims) and drawings taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing.
Further, in cases where an invention is deemed not to pertain to existing technical fields like an invention developed based on an entirely new conception which is completely different from prior art, an application for such an invention need not to state existing technical fields, and statements of the new technical field developed by the invention suffices the requirement.
② Problem to be solved by the invention and its solution
(i) As “problem to be solved by the invention,” an application shall state at least one technical problem to be solved by a claimed invention. As “its solution,” an application shall explain how the technical problem has been solved by the claimed invention.
(ii) However, the “problem to be solved by the invention” is not required to be explicitly stated if a person skilled in the art can understand it without such an explicit statement, when looking into overall descriptions in the description and drawings including statements of prior art or advantageous effects of the invention, taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing. (Note that a person skilled in the art could comprehend the technical problem when considering prior art which falls within the common general knowledge as of the filing.) Also, in cases where a person skilled in the art would understand how a technical problem has been solved by a claimed invention by examining the claimed invention in the light of the technical problem which has been found in above-mentioned way, and taking into consideration the descriptions of a working example, an application for such an invention is not required an explicit statement of problem-solution form.
(iii) Further, in cases where an invention is deemed not based upon recognition of a problem to be solved like an invention developed based on an entirely new conception which is completely different from prior art or an invention which is based on a fortuitous discovery resulting from trials and errors (e.g., chemical compounds), an application for such an invention is not required to state a problem to be solved.
It is in connection with “a problem to be solved by the invention” that “its solution” is meaningful. In another word, if one does not recognize a problem, one cannot recognize how an invention has solved a problem. (As opposed to this, if one can once recognize a problem, one might recognize how an invention has solved the problem.) Therefore, in cases where an invention is deemed not based upon recognition of a problem to be solved as mentioned above, an application for such an invention is not required to state how the invention has solved a problem (i.e., statements of solution). (It is needless to say, however, that even such an application is required sufficient disclosure meeting the enablement requirement.)
Where descriptions of a technical field, a problem to be solved and its solution for two or more claims would overlap, such overlapped descriptions may be omitted, provided that the relation of each claim remains clear.
  実施可能要件は、特許の付与の代償として社会に対し発明がどのように実施されるかを公開することを保証する要件であるから、この要件を欠いた出願について特許が付与された場合には、権利者と第三者との間で著しく公平を欠くことになる。     一方、委任省令要件の趣旨は、発明の技術上の意義を明らかにし、審査や調査等に役立てるというものである。     したがって、本要件は以下のように扱う。
(2) The enablement requirement ensures an applicant to disclose to the public how to carry out the invention in return for granting a patent. Therefore, to grant a patent to an application dissatisfying the requirement would lead to an extreme imbalance between a patentee and the public. The Ministerial Ordinance requirement, on the other hand, aims at clarifying the technical significance of an invention, and thereby, contributes to patent examinations and searches. Accordingly, the requirements should be treated as follows.
① Where an invention is determined the one which, if being required to state a problem to be solved, would rather result in hampering correct understanding of technical significance of the invention as mentioned in (1) above, a patent application for such an invention may omit statements of a problem to be solved and its solution. Also, where an invention is determined that it would not pertain to existing technical fields, a patent application for such an invention is deemed to meet the requirement by stating the new technical field to which the claimed invention pertains.
②これ以外の発明の場合には、当業者が明細書及び図面の記載並びに出願時の技術常識に基づいて、請求項に係る発明の属する技術分野、又は課題及びその解決手段を理解することができない出願については委任省令要件違反とする。   なお、発明を特定するための事項に特殊パラメータを含む場合、従来技術との比較が十分示されていない出願は、上記②の課題及びその解決手段を理解することができない出願に該当するものとする。  
② A patent application for an invention not falling in (1) is deemed to violate the requirement when a person skilled in the art cannot understand the technical field to which the invention pertains, the problem to be solved by the invention and its solution even by looking into overall descriptions in the specification (excluding claims) and drawings, taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing. Also, the application which includes a unique parameter in matters defining the invention and does not show the comparison with the prior art sufficiently shall be fallen under the category of application that a person skilled in the art cannot understand the problems and the solving means in 2) above.
(3) Prior art and advantageous effect
[The followings applied to applications filed on or after September 1, 2002. Refer to Chapter 3 about requirements for disclosure of information on prior art document in an application on or after September 1, 2002.]
① Prior art

Descriptions of prior art are not required under the Ministerial Ordinance requirement. However, an applicant should describe background prior art, as far as (s)he knows, which is deemed to contribute to understanding the technical significance of the claimed invention and examination of patentability of the claimed invention because such descriptions of prior art could teach the problem to be solved and could substitute the descriptions of the problems.
[The followings applied to applications filed on or before August 31, 2002]
① Prior art
Descriptions of prior art are not required under the Ministerial Ordinance requirement. However, an applicant should describe background prior art, as far as (s)he knows, which is deemed to contribute to understanding the technical significance of the claimed invention and examination of patentability of the claimed invention because such descriptions of prior art 33 could teach the problem to be solved and could substitute the descriptions of the problems.

Also, documents related to prior art are one of the important means for evaluating the patentability of the claimed invention. Therefore, when there exist any documents relevant to the claimed invention, it is strongly recommended to cite such documents.
② Advantageous effects over prior art

It is not required under the Ministerial ordinance requirement to state an advantageous effect of a claimed invention over the relevant prior art. However, it is an applicant's advantage to describe an advantageous effect of a claimed invention over the relevant prior art because such advantageous effect, if any, is taken into consideration as a fact to support to affirmatively infer the existence of inventive step (Refer to Part, Chapter 2. 2.5(3)). Also, descriptions of advantageous effects could teach the problem to be solved and could substitute the descriptions of the problem to be solved. Therefore, an applicant should describe an advantageous effect of a claimed invention over the relevant prior art, if any, as far as (s)he knows.
(4) Industrially applicability
To describe an industrially applicability is not treated as the requirements of Ministerial Ordinance. The industrially applicability is described in case only it is unclear even if taking into consideration the characteristics of the invention or the description. The industrially applicability is obvious in many cases from the characteristics of the invention or the description, and in such a case, the industrially applicability is not required to be explicitly described.
3.3.3  委任省令要件違反の拒絶理由通知
3.3.3 Notice of Reason for Refusal on Violation of Ministerial Ordinance Requirements
(1) Where the examiner is convinced that it is more probable than not that an application constitutes a violation of Ministerial Ordinance requirement, (s)he shall make a notice of reasons for refusal stating to the effect that the ground of a decision of refusal is a violation of the Ministerial Ordinance requirement under Article 36(4)(i) together with pointing out which of the matters necessary to understand the technical significance of the invention is defective.
(2) Against the notice of reasons for refusal, an applicant may argue that a person skilled in the art could have understood the technical field of the claimed invention, the problem to be solved and its solution when looking into overall descriptions of the specification (excluding claims), drawings and the common general knowledge as of the filing. This rebuttal may be made by means of submission of written arguments, of a certificate experimental result or of amendments introducing no new matter, etc. aiming at clarifying relevant prior art as of the filing which the examiner would not have recognized, rovided that the relevant prior art is among the common general knowledge such as well-known or commonly used art.
Where the applicant's argument is confirmed to be adequate by examining the submitted evidence, the reasons for refusal shall be deemed overcome. Where the applicant's argument does not change the examiner's conviction at all or where it succeeds in denying the examiner's conviction only to the extent that truth or falsity becomes unclear, the examiner makes a decision of refusal on the ground of the notice of reasons for refusal which is earlier notified.
4. Improper Descriptions of the Specification in General

The requirements under Patent Act Article 36(4)(i) or (6) are not met in the following cases if the detailed description of the invention is not described in such a manner sufficiently clear and complete for the claimed invention to be carried out by a person skilled in the art or if an invention for which a patent is sought is unclear because the matters stated in the claim cannot be accurately understood by such a person. (Whether or not an application violates the requirements is determined on a case-by-case basis by above-mentioned handling.)
  発明の詳細な説明又は特許請求の範囲が日本語として正確に記載されていないため、その記載内容が不明りょうである場合(いわゆる「翻訳不備」を含む)。     日本語として正確に記載されていないものとしては、例えば主語と述語の関係の不明りょう、修飾語と被修飾語の関係の不明りょう、句読点の誤り、文字の誤り(誤字、脱字、当て字)、符号の誤りなどがある。

(1) Content of the detailed description of the invention or of the claim is unclear because they are not accurately described in the Japanese language (including improper translation). This includes the followings: unclear relation between the subject and the predicate, unclear relation between the modifier and the modified word, errors in punctuation, errors in characters (wrong character, omitted character, false substitute character), and errors in sign.
(2) Terms are not used consistently throughout the whole specification.

(3) A term used in the specification is neither an academic term nor a technical term that is commonly used in academic or technical documents and has no definition in the detailed description of the invention.
(4) Trademarks are used for what can be indicated otherwise.

(5) The amount or extent of a state of things or phenomena is not described in a specification by use of units provided for by the Measurement Act.
(6) The brief description of the drawings (explanation of the drawings and marks) is defective in relation to the detailed description of the invention, claims, or drawings.

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