以下は、特許庁が公開している、 特許・実用新案審査基準
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の中の、第I部 第1章 明細書及び特許請求の範囲の記載要件 の日本語と英語とのページを対照させたものです。あくまで参照用ですので、実際の記載は上記URLを参照してください。
※ 右欄と被ってしまったので、当面の間は、下げて開始します
③ Examples where the scope of the invention is deemed unclear
(i) In the technical field where it is difficult to predict the structure of the product from its function or characteristic, etc., the concrete product with such function or characteristics, etc., cannot be conceived in many cases (Example: Invention of a chemical compound). When the structure of a certain concrete product with such function or characteristics, etc., is disclosed in the description or drawings and it is also recognized that only the said concrete product is substantially disclosed, the scope of the invention is deemed unclear, since it usually cannot be said that the invention disclosed in the description or drawings can not be properly identified unless defining the product by its function or characteristics, etc., and it is also difficult to show its relation with the technical standard as of the filing.
(ii) Where the claim includes the definition of a product by the result to be achieved, there may be cases where concrete products which can obtain such result can not be conceived. When a certain concrete means which can obtain such result is
disclosed in the description or drawings and it is also recognized that only the said concrete means is substantially disclosed, the scope of the invention is deemed unclear, since it usually cannot be said that the invention disclosed in the specification or drawings can not be properly identified unless defining the product by the said result to be achieved.
(iii) Where the claim includes the definition of a product by a unique parameter, there are many cases where concrete products which are expressed by the said parameter cannot be conceived. The scope of the invention is deemed unclear except where it is understood that the invention disclosed in the specification or drawings cannot be properly identified unless defining the product by such unique parameter and its relation with the technical standard as of the filing can be understood. (For example, where comparison with the known product which has identical or similar effect, or comparison with the known product with similar structure, or comparison with the known product to be manufactured by the similar manufacturing process is shown, etc.).
⑺ 請求項が製造方法による物の特定を含む結果、発明の範囲が不明確となる場合。
(7) A claim includes statements defining a product by its manufacturing process so that the scope of the invention is unclear.
① The claimed product itself may be identified by the manufacturing process (product-by-process claim) when it is impossible, difficult or inappropriate for the product structure of the invention to be directly identified by the characteristics or others independently of the manufacturing process. (For example, it would be considered the inappropriate case 15that it would not be impossible or difficult to identify the product directly by the characteristics but be wider the extent of the difficulty for understanding.)
しかし、請求項が製造方法による物の特定を含む場合、機能・特性等による物の特定を含む場合と同様、必ずしも発明の範囲が明確とはいえず、発明を明確に把握することができない場合がある。 製造方法による物の特定を含む請求項において、当業者が、出願時の技術常識を考慮して、請求項に記載された当該物を特定するための事項から、当該製造方法により製造される具体的な物を想定できる場合は、発明の範囲は明確であり、発明を明確に把握することができる。 これに対して、当業者が、出願時の技術常識を考慮しても、当該製造方法により製造される具体的な物を想定できない場合には、発明に属する具体的な事物を理解することができず、通常、発明の範囲は明確とはいえない。 ただし、想定できない場合であっても、当該製造方法による物の特定以外には、明細書又は図面に記載された発明を適切に特定することができないときには、想定できないことのみを理由に発明を不明確とすることは適当でない。この場合、当該製造方法により製造される物と出願時の技術水準との関係が理解できるときには、発明の範囲は明確として取り扱う(⑹①(注3)を参照)。
However, in case the claim includes identification of a product by manufacturing process, in the same way where it includes identification of a product by function or characteristics, etc., the scope of the invention cannot be said to be necessarily clear and the invention may not be clearly identified. Where the claim includes identification of a product by manufacturing rocess,,when a person skilled in the art can conceive a concrete product from the statements in a claim defining the product by its manufacturing process by taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing, the scope of the invention usually can be said to be clear, and the invention can be clearly understood. On the contrary, when a person skilled in the art cannot conceive a concrete product from the statements in a claim defining the product by its manufacturing process by taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing, since a concrete matters pertaining to the invention for which a patent is sought cannot be understood, the scope of the
invention usually cannot be said to be clear. However, even when a concrete product cannot be conceived, if the invention
disclosed in the specification or drawings cannot be properly identified unless defining the product by its manufacturing process, it is not appropriate to determine that the scope of the invention is unclear only on the basis of the ground that a concrete product cannot be conceived. In this case, if the relation between the product to be manufactured by such manufacturing process and the technical standard as of the filing can be understood, the scope of the invention is deemed clear (Refer to (6)①(see, Note 3)).
② Accordingly, when the claim includes the definition of a product by its manufacturing process, whether or not the scope of the invention is clear should be determined as follows.
When a person skilled in the art can conceive a concrete product from such manufacturing process from the statements in a claim defining the product by taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing (including those which can be recognized to be the common general knowledge as of the filing from the description in the specification or drawings), the scope of the invention is deemed clear.
他方、当該製造方法により製造される具体的な物を想定できない場合であっても、 (ⅰ)当該製造方法による物の特定以外には、明細書又は図面に記載された発明を適切に特定することができないことが理解でき、かつ、 (ⅱ)当該製造方法により製造される物と出願時の技術水準との関係が理解できる場合は、 発明の範囲が明確でないとはいえない。
On the contrary, even when a concrete product to be manufactured by such manufacturing process cannot be conceived, it cannot be said that the scope of the invention
is unclear in the following conditions: (i) it is understood that the invention disclosed in the specification or the drawings cannot be defined unless defining the product by its manufacturing process; and (ii) the relation between the product to be manufactured by such manufacturing process and the technical standard as of the filing can be understood.
For example, when the relation (difference) between the product to be manufactured by such manufacturing process and similar known products are shown with the experimental result or theoretical explanation, etc. (for example, showing comparison the claimed products and the known products produced by the similar manufacturing process), the relation with the technical standard can be understood.
In cases where either (i) or (ii) is not satisfied, the scope of invention is deemed unclear.
| その他の留意事項
| Other Matters to be Noted
請求項中に用途を意味する記載のある用途発明(第Ⅱ部第2章1.5.2⑵参照)において、用途を具体的なものに限定せずに一般的に表現した請求項の場合(例えば「~からなる病気X用の医薬(又は農薬)」ではなく、単に「~からなる医薬(又は農薬)」等のように表現した場合)については、その一般的表現の用語の存在が特許を受けようとする発明を不明確にしないときは、単に一般的な表現であることのみ(すなわち概念が広いということのみ)を根拠として第36条第6項第2号違反とはしない。 ただし、発明の詳細な説明が第36条第4項第1号の要件を満たすように記載されていなければならない。
In case that the statement of the claim does not express a specific use but a general use, where a claim directed to a use invention (Refer to PartⅡ: Chapter 2. 1.5.2(2)), it should not be deemed a violation of Article 36(6)(ii) merely because the statement expresses a general use (i.e., merely because the scope of the claim is relatively broad) unless the expression makes unclear the invention for which a patent is sought. (For example, not a “pharmaceutical/agrochemical agent for disease X comprising...” but a “pharmaceutical/ agrochemical agent comprising...”) The detailed description of the invention, however, shall comply with the provision of Article 36(4)(i).
Where a claim is directed to a composition and dose not include any statement to define the use of the composition or the property of the composition, it shall not be deemed a violation of Article 36(6)(ii) merely because the claim does not include any definition by the use or property of the composition.
2.2.3 第36条第6項第3号
2.2.3 Patent Act Article 36(6)(iii)
A claim is to be used for the basis of identifying the claimed invention which is a subject of examination of the patentability requirements such as novelty or inventive step, etc., and the description requirements. A claim also ensures the role of the specification which serves as a document of title defining the technical scope of a patented invention accurately. Therefore, it is adequate that claim statements are concise as well as comply with Article 36(6)(ii) in order for the third parties to understand the claimed invention as easily as possible. This is the purpose of Article 36(6)(iii).
Article 36(6)(iii) does not deal with the inventive concept defined by claim statement but deals with the conciseness of the statement itself. Also, it does not require plural claims as a whole be concise when an application contains two or more claims. Rather, it requires each claim be stated concisely.
| 第36条第6項第3号違反の類型
| Typical Examples of Violation of Article 36(6)(iii)
The typical examples violating Article 36(6)(iii) are shown below.
⑴ 請求項に同一内容の事項が重複して記載してあって、記載が必要以上に冗長すぎる場合。
(1) A claim includes statements with same contents in such a duplicated manner that it is unduly redundant.
In the light of the purpose of Article 36(5) that a claim shall state the matters an applicant himself/herself deems necessary to define the invention, however, it should be deemed “unduly redundant” only if the duplication is excessive, even where claim statements having the same contents are included in a claim. It should not be deemed “unduly redundant” merely because a matter defining a claimed invention is an obvious limitation to a person skilled in the art or is a dispensable limitation for meeting the patentability requirements or the description requirements (excluding Article 36(6)(iii)).
When a claim statement is made by a reference to the description in the detailed description of the invention or drawings, the claim statement and the corresponding descriptions in the detailed description of the invention or the drawings should not be redundant as a whole.
⑵ マーカッシュ形式で記載された化学物質の発明などのような択一形式による記載において、選択肢の数が大量である結果、請求項の記載の簡潔性が著しく損なわれているとき。
(2) A claim is expressed in alternatives (e.g., Markush-type claim for chemical compounds) and the number of alternatives is so large that the conciseness is extremely damaged.
Determining whether the conciseness is extremely damaged or not, it should be taken into consideration the followings.
① In a case where a significant structural element is not shared by the alternatives, less number of alternatives should be deemed so large that the conciseness is extremely damaged than in a case where a significant structural element is shared by the alternatives.
② In a case where the alternatives are expressed in a complicated way, such as the conditional options, less number of alternatives should be deemed so large that the conciseness is extremely damaged than otherwise.
Even in the case of (2) above, the examiner should choose at least one group of chemical compounds which is expressed as alternatives in the claim and which involves a chemical compound indicated as a working example (“a group of chemical compounds expressed as specific alternatives corresponding to a working example”), and should examine the patentability of those chemical compounds. Regardless of existence or nonexistence of reason for refusal under patentability requirements, the examiner should point out in the notice of reasons for refusal, if any, the group of chemical compounds which is examined on patentability.
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