以下は、特許庁が公開している、 特許・実用新案審査基準
の中の、 II部 特許要件 第2章 新規性・進歩性 の日本語と英語とのページを対照させたものです。あくまで参照用ですので、実際の記載は上記URLを参照してください。
※ 右欄と被ってしまったので、当面の間は、下げて開始します
1.5.3 第 29 条第 1 項各号に掲げる発明として引用する発明(引用発明)の認定
1.5.3 Finding of a Cited Invention as provided in Patent Act Article 29(1)(i)-(iii)
(1) 公然知られた発明
(1) Publicly known invention
公然知られた発明は、人を媒体として不特定の者により現実に知られた発明であり、通常、講演、説明会等を介して知られることが多い。その場合は、講演、説明会等の内容において説明されている事実から発明を認定する。 説明されている事実の解釈にあたっては、技術常識を参酌することができ、講演、説明会等の時における技術常識を参酌することにより、そのような事実から導き出される事項も、公然知られた発明の認定の基礎とすることができる。
"A publicly known invention" is one actually known by an unspecified person through the medium of people. Generally, it is often the case that it is known through the medium of speakers at lectures, presentations, etc. In such a case, the finding of an invention is made on the basis of the facts presented at the lectures or presentations. The presented facts can be construed in the light of the common general knowledge. The matters directly derivable from the facts in consideration of the common general knowledge as of the lectures, presentations, etc., can also be a basis for the finding of a publicly known invention.
(2) 公然実施をされた発明
(2) Publicly worked invention
公然実施をされた発明は、機械装置、システムなどを媒体として、不特定の者に公然知られる状況又は公然知られるおそれのある状況において実施された発明であるから、媒体となった機械装置、システムなどに化体されている事実から発明を認定する。 機械装置、システムなどに化体されている事実の解釈にあたっては、技術常識を参酌することができ、そのような事実から実施された時における技術常識を参酌することにより導き出される事項も、公然実施された発明の認定の基礎とすることができる。
"A publicly worked invention" is one worked under conditions where the invention is or can potentially be publicly known to an unspecified person through the medium of machinery or systems, etc. Therefore, the finding of an invention is made on the basis of the facts embodied in machinery or systems, etc. The facts embodied in machinery or systems, etc. can be construed in the light of the common general knowledge. The matters directly derivable from the facts in consideration of the common general knowledge as of the working can also be a basis for the finding of a publicly worked invention.
(3) 刊行物に記載された発明
(3) Invention described in a publication
①「刊行物に記載された発明」は、「刊行物に記載されている事項」から認定する。記載事項の解釈にあたっては、技術常識を参酌することができ、本願出願時における技術常識を参酌することにより当業者が当該刊行物に記載されている事項から導き出せる事項 ( 「刊行物に記載されているに等しい事項」という。)も、刊行物に記載された発明の認定の基礎とすることができる。すなわち、「刊行物に記載された発明」とは、刊行物に記載されている事項及び記載されているに等しい事項から当業者が把握できる発明をいう。
① The finding of "an invention described in a publication" is made on the basis of “the matters described in a publication.” Matters described in a publication can be construed in the light of the common general knowledge. The matters which a person skilled in the art can directly derive from matters described in a publication in consideration of the common general knowledge as of the filing (hereinafter referred to as "matters essentially described, though not literally, in a publication") can be a basis for the finding of an invention described in a publication. In other words, “an invention described in a publication" means an invention which a person skilled in the art can identify on the basis of the matters both described and essentially described, though not literally, in a publication.
Thus, unless an invention can be identified by a person skilled in the art on the basis of the matters both described and essentially described, though not literally, in a publication, the
invention shall not be deemed to be "an invention described in a publication," i.e., "a cited invention" under Article 29(1)(iii). For example, where “matters described in a publication” are a part of alternatives of Markush-type formula, it is determined whether a person skilled in the art can identify an invention of which a matter is one of the alternatives.
( 記載されているに等しい事項とされた例 )
(An example regarded as matters essentially described, though not literally, in a publication)
例 1 :電気的干渉の防止を目的とするシールド手段としての導電体はアースに接続するのが、電気関係の分野における技術常識であったと認められ、したがって、当業者であれば、引例中に特に記載がなくとも、引例記載のスイッチのシールド板がアースに落とされることを予定したものであることを、当然の事項として了知すべきものと推認することができる。実用新案法第 3 条の規定の趣旨にかんがみれば、同条第 1 項第3 号にいう「刊行物に記載された考案」とは、刊行物の記載から一般の当業者が了知しうる技術的思想をいうものと解するのが相当である。…引例記載のシールド板が使用態様としてアースに落とされるということは、前示技術常識に照らして読むとき、「シールド板」という引例の用語自体の技術的意味内容の一部に他ならないから、実質上記載されているに等しいというべきである。 ( 参考:東京高判昭 57.11.29( 昭和56( 行ケ )93))
[Example 1] The fact that the conductor as a shielding means for preventing electrical interference, is connected to an earth is recognized as the common general knowledge in the related electrical field. Consequently, the fact that a person skilled in the art is expected to presume that shield plate for the switch disclosed in the cited document is connected to the earth should be recognized as a matter of course, even though it was not disclosed in the cited document. In view of the purport of the provision of Utility Model Act Article 3, it is reasonable that "a device described in a publication" in Section 3(1)(iii) corresponds to the technical idea that a general person skilled in the art can recognize in the description in a publication. ... When the cited document is read in the light of the above-mentioned common general knowledge, that “the shielding plate disclosed in the cited document is connected to an earth as a use mode” should be deemed as constituting the portion of the technical meaning of the term “shield plate” itself in the cited document so that it should be considered as essentially disclosed, though not literally. (Reference: Sho 56 (Gyo Ke) 93)
( 記載されているに等しい事項としない例 )
(An example not regarded as matters essentially described, though not literally, in a publication)
例 2 :引用例の実施例 6 においては、クエン酸の同効物としてアタプルギツトクレイ ( 酸性成分 ) が示されており、これは溶媒に不溶であり、しかも当該技術分野では従来酸性成分として溶媒に不溶なものが普通に使用されていることからみて、ここにはかえって、溶媒に不溶なフェノール樹脂を使用することが示されているにとどまるとみるのが相当である。したがって結局、引用例には、「フェノール樹脂」のうちから塩基性成分と共通の溶媒に可溶のものを選定すべきことを示す記載があるとすることはできない。 ( 参考:東京高判昭 57.10.5( 昭和 55( 行ケ )12))
[Example 2] Attapulgite clay (acidic components) as the same effect substance of citric acid is indicated in the working example 6 in the cited document and is insoluble in a solvent. In addition, it is a reasonable understanding that only the use of solvent-insoluble phenol resin is indicated because a solvent-insoluble substance has been normally used as acidic components in the said technical field. Consequently, it is impossible to say that there is the description indicating that the soluble substance in a solvent that is common to basic component should be selected from "phenol resins" in the cited document. (Reference: Sho 55 (Gyo Ke) 12)
② Unless it is clear that an invention is described in a publication in such a manner that a person skilled in the art can make the product in case of a product invention or can use the process in case of a process invention in consideration of the common general knowledge as of the filing, the invention shall not be deemed to be "a cited invention" under Article 29(1)(iii).
したがって、例えば、刊行物に化学物質名又は化学構造式によりその化学物質が示されている場合において、当業者が本願出願時の技術常識を参酌しても、当該化学物質を製造できることが明らかであるように記載されていないときは、当該化学物質は「引用発明」とはならない ( なお、これは、当該刊行物が当該化学物質を選択肢の一部とするマーカッシュ形式の請求項を有する特許文献であるとした場合に、その請求項が第 36 条第 4 項第 1 号の実施可能要件を満たさないことを意味しない )。
For example, if a chemical substance is expressed merely by its name or its chemical formula in a publication, and if it is not clear that a person skilled in the art can produce the chemical substance on the basis of the description in the publication, even in the light of the common general knowledge as of the filing, the chemical substance does not fall under “an invention described in a publication" under Article 29(1)(iii). (Note that the above does not mean that the claim violates the enablement requirement under Article 36(4) where the publication is a patent application claiming the chemical substance as one of alternatives of Markush-type formula.)
(4) 引用発明の認定における上位概念及び下位概念で表現された発明の取扱い
(4) The finding of a cited invention expressed in specific concept or generic concept
①引用発明が下位概念で表現されている場合は、発明を特定するための事項として「同族的若しくは同類的事項、又は、ある共通する性質」を用いた発明を引用発明が既に示していることになるから、上位概念 ( 注1) で表現された発明を認定できる。なお、新規性の判断の手法として、引用発明が下位概念で表現されている場合でも、上位概念で表現された発明を認定せずに、対比、判断の際に、上位概念で表現された請求項に係る発明の新規性を判断することができる。
① A cited invention expressed in a specific manner in a disclosure necessarily implies or suggests “a generic invention of which matters defining the invention are the same family or the same genus, or have the common characteristic with the cited invention,” and leads to the finding of an invention expressed in generic concept (Note 1). Without the cited invention expressed in specific concept being identified to its generic invention, the determination of whether the claimed generic invention is novel may be conducted at the comparison and determination steps.
②引用発明が上位概念で表現されている場合は、下位概念で表現された発明が示されていることにならないから、下位概念で表現された発明は認定できない ( ただし、技術常識を参酌することにより、下位概念で表現された発明が導き出せる場合 ( 注2) は認定できる ) 。
② A cited invention expressed in generic concept neither implies nor suggests an invention expressed in a specific manner, and does not lead to the finding of the invention expressed in a specific manner (except when an invention expressed in a specific manner can be directly derivable from such a generic invention in consideration of the common general knowledge (Note 2)).
( 注 1) 「上位概念」とは、同族的若しくは同類的事項を集めて総括した概念、又は、ある共通する性質に基づいて複数の事項を総括した概念をいう。
(Note 1) “Generic concepts” is defined as concepts integrating matters in the same family or the same genus, or a concept integrating a plurality of matters with the common characteristic.
( 注 2) 概念上、下位概念が上位概念に含まれる、あるいは上位概念の用語から下位概念の用語を列挙することができることのみでは、下位概念で表現された発明が導き出せる ( 記載されている ) とはしない。
(Note 2) The plain logic that generic concept contains specific disclosure, or a term in generic concept contains specific terms, does not substantiate the necessary derivation (disclosure) of an invention expressed in a specific concept.
1.5.4 請求項に係る発明と引用発明との対比
1.5.4 Comparison of a Claimed Invention with a Cited invention
(1) 請求項に係る発明と引用発明との対比は、請求項に係る発明の発明特定事項と引用発明を文言で表現する場合に必要と認められる事項 ( 以下、「引用発明特定事項」という。) との一致点及び相違点を認定して行う。
(1) The finding of the identicalness and the difference between a claimed invention and a cited invention is conducted by comparing the matters defining the claimed invention and the matters considered to be needed at the expression of the cited invention in words (hereinafter referred to as "matters defining the cited invention").
(2) また、上記⑴の対比の手法に代えて、請求項に係る発明の下位概念と引用発明との対比を行い、両者の一致点及び相違点を認定することができる。 請求項に係る発明の下位概念には、発明の詳細な説明又は図面中に請求項に係る発明の実施の形態として記載された事項などがあるが、この実施の形態とは異なるものも、請求項に係る発明の下位概念である限り、対比の対象とすることができる。
(2) A more specific concept within the concept of the claimed invention may be compared with a cited invention for the purpose of finding the identicalness and the difference between a claimed invention and a cited invention, instead of the method of comparison mentioned (1). An example of “a more specific concept within the concept of a claimed invention” is the disclosed invention described in the detailed description of the invention or the drawing as a mode for carrying out the claimed invention. Inventions other than this may be compared with the claimed invention as far as they are more specific concepts within the concept of the claimed invention. This alternative method would be helpful for the examination of novelty in terms of claims with statements defining a product by its function or characteristic, etc., or claims with numerical limitation, etc.
(3) なお、上記⑴及び 1.5.3 ⑶の手法に代えて引用刊行物に記載された事項と請求項に係る発明の発明特定事項とを比較する場合には、刊行物に記載されている事項と請求項に係る発明の発明特定事項との対比の際に、本願出願時の技術常識を参酌して記載されている事項の解釈を行いながら、一致点と相違点とを認定することができる。ただし、上記⑴及び 1.5.3 ⑶の手法による場合と判断結果が異なるものであってはならない。
(3) In cases where the matters defining a claimed invention is compared with the matters described in a cited publication instead of the method of comparison mentioned (1) and 1.5.3(3), the finding of the identicalness and the difference between the claimed invention and the cited invention may be conducted in consideration of the common general knowledge as of the filing. But the result of using this method shall be the same as the result of the methods mentioned (1) and “1.5.3(3)”.
(4) 独立した二以上の引用発明を組合わせて請求項に係る発明と対比してはならない。
(4) The comparison shall not be conducted between a claimed invention and a combination of two or more cited inventions.
1.5.5 新規性の判断
1.5.5 Determining whether a Claimed Invention is Novel
(1) 対比した結果、請求項に係る発明の発明特定事項と引用発明特定事項とに相違点がない場合は、請求項に係る発明は新規性を有しない。相違点がある場合は、新規性を有する。
(1) Where there is no difference between the matters defining a claimed invention and the matters defining a cited invention as a result of the comparison, the claimed invention is not novel. Where there is a difference, the claimed invention is novel.
(2) 特許を受けようとする発明を特定するための事項に関して形式上又は事実上の選択肢 ( 注 1) を有する請求項に係る発明については、当該選択肢中のいずれか一の選択肢のみを発明を特定するための事項と仮定したときの発明と引用発明との対比を行った場合に両者に相違点がないときは、新規性を有しないものとする( 注 2) 。
(2) If matters defining a claimed invention are expressed by alternatives either in form or de facto (Note1), and if any one of inventions each of which is identified by supposing that each of the alternatives is a matter to define each of such inventions has no difference from a cited invention, the claimed invention shall be deemed not to be novel.(Note 2)
( 注 1) 「形式上の選択肢」とは、請求項の記載から一見して選択肢であることがわかる表現形式の記載をいう。
(Note 1) "Alternatives in form" means a claim statement with an apparent form of alternatives.
例えば、マーカッシュ形式の請求項や、多数項引用形式であって他の請求項を択一的に引用している請求項等がある。 「事実上の選択肢」とは、包括的な表現によって、実質的に有限の数のより具体的な事項を包含するように意図された記載をいう。「事実上の選択肢」かどうかは、請求項の記載のほか、明細書及び図面並びに出願時の技術常識を考慮して判断する。例えば「 C( 炭素数 )1 から 10 のアルキル基」 ( この包括的な表現には、メチル基、エチル基等が包含される。 ) のような記載を含む請求項等がある。
Among claims with "alternatives in form" are a claim with Markush-type formula and a multiple dependent form claim which refers to two or more other claims in analternative form. "Alternatives in de facto" means a claim statement which is of comprehensive nature but intends to include a certain number of more specific matters. Whether a claim statement is "de facto alternatives" should be determined in the light of the description in the specification, the drawings and the common general knowledge as of the filing in addition to the claim statement. Among typical examples of claims having "de facto alternatives" is a claim of which a matter defining the claimed invention is "an alkyl with 1 to 10 carbons." (The above claim statement of comprehensive nature includes a methyl, an ethyl and so on.)
これに対し、例えば「熱可塑性樹脂」という記載は、発明の詳細な説明中に用語の定義がある場合のように明細書及び図面の記載並びに出願時の技術常識を考慮してそのように解釈すべきであるときを除き、その概念に含まれる具体的事項を単に包括的に括って表現した記載と見るべきではなく、したがって事実上の選択肢には該当しないことに注意する必要がある。すなわち、「熱可塑性樹脂」という概念には、不特定多数の具体的事項が含まれ ( 例えばポリエチレン、ポリプロピレン等 ) 、それらの具体的事項の共通する性質 (この場合は熱可塑性 ) により特定した上位概念と解する。
As opposed to the above, a term "thermoplastic resin" in a claim should not be construed as one that merely denotes a certain number of more specified matters by means of the term of comprehensive nature except when it should be construed in the light of the description in the specification, the drawings and the common general knowledge as of the filing in such a case as the term is defined in the description of the invention. Thus, the term should not be deemed to be de facto alternatives. In other words, it should be construed that the concept of "thermoplastic resin" includes uncertain number of more specified matters (e.g., polyethylene, polypropylene, etc.), and that the term denotes a certain generic concept in terms of characteristic which the more specific matters have in common (i.e., "thermoplasticity" in this case).
( 注 2) この取扱いは、どのような場合に先行技術調査を終了することができるかとは関係しない。この点については「第Ⅸ部 審査の進め方」を参照。
(Note 2) The handling does not relate with the practice for the appropriate time to stop prior art searches. See " PartⅨ: Procedure of Examination."
(3) 機能・特性等による物の特定を含む請求項についての取扱い
(3) Handling of a claim with statements defining a product by its function or characteristic, etc.
①機能・特性等により物を特定しようとする記載を含む請求項であって、下記 ( ⅰ ) 又は ( ⅱ ) に該当するものは、引用発明との対比が困難となる場合がある。そのような場合において、引用発明の物との厳密な一致点及び相違点の対比を行わずに、審査官が、両者が同じ物であるとの一応の合理的な疑いを抱いた場合には、その他の部分に相違がない限り、新規性が欠如する旨の拒絶理由を通知する。出願人が意見書・実験成績証明書等により、両者が同じ物であるとの一応の合理的な疑いについて反論、釈明し、審査官の心証を真偽不明となる程度に否定することができた場合には、拒絶理由が解消される。出願人の反論、釈明が抽象的あるいは一般的なものである等、審査官の心証が変わらない場合には、新規性否定の拒絶査定を行う。
① Where a claim includes statements defining a product by its function or characteristic, etc. and it falls under either the following (i) or (ii), there may be cases where it is difficult to compare of the claimed invention with a cited invention. In the above circumstances, if the examiner has a reason to suspect that the claimed product would be prima facie identical with the product of the cited invention without making a strict comparison of the claimed product with the product of the cited invention, the examiner may send the notice of reasons for refusal under Article 29(1) as far as there is no other difference. Then an applicant may argue or clarify by putting forth a written argument or a certificate of experimental results, etc. against the notice of reasons for refusal. The reason for refusal is to be dissolved if the applicant’s argument succeeds in changing the examiner’s evaluation at least to the extent that it is unclear that the claimed product is prima facie identical with the product of the cited invention. Where the applicant’s argument, which is, for example, abstract or general, does not change the examiner’s evaluation to that extent, the examiner may render a decision of refusal under Article 29(1).
ただし、引用発明特定事項が下記 (ⅰ ) 又は ( ⅱ ) に該当するものであるような発明を引用発明としてこの取扱いを適用してはならない。
The above-mentioned handling, however, shall not be applied, if matters defining the cited invention fall under either the following (i) or (ii).
( ⅰ ) 当該機能・特性等が、標準的なもの、当該技術分野において当業者に慣用されているもの、又は慣用されていないにしても慣用されているものとの関係が当業者に理解できるもののいずれにも該当しない場合
(i) a case where the function or characteristic, etc. is neither standard, commonly used by a person skilled in the art in the relevant technical field nor comprehensible of its relation to a commonly used function or characteristic, etc. to a person skilled in the art if the function or characteristic, etc. is not commonly used, or
( ⅱ ) 当該機能・特性等が、標準的なもの、当該技術分野において当業者に慣用されているもの、又は慣用されていないにしても慣用されているものとの関係が当業者に理解できるもののいずれかに該当するが、これらの機能・特性等が複数組合わされたものが、全体として ( ⅰ ) に該当するものとなる場合
(ii) a case where plural of functions or characteristics, etc. each of which is either standard, commonly used by a person skilled in the art in the relevant technical field or comprehensible of its relation to a commonly used function or characteristic, etc. to a person skilled in the art if the function or characteristic, etc. is not commonly used, are combined in a claim so that the claim statements as a whole fall under (i).
( 注 ) 標準的なものとは、 JIS( 日本工業規格 ) 、 ISO 規格 ( 国際標準化機構規格 ) 又は IEC 規格 ( 国際電気標準会議規格 ) により定められた定義を有し、又はこれらで定められた試験・測定方法によって定量的に決定できるものをいう。当業者に慣用されているものとは、当該技術分野において当業者に慣用されており、その定義や試験・測定方法が当業者に理解できるものをいう。
(Note) Function or characteristic, etc. should be deemed to be standard if it is either defined by JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards), ISO-standards (International Organization for Standardization-standards) or IEC-standards (International Electro-technical Commission-standards), or if it can be determined quantitatively by a method for testing or measuring which is provided in those standards. Function or characteristic, etc. should be deemed to be commonly used by a person skilled in the art if it is commonly used by a person skilled in the art in the technical field as well as its definition or the method for testing or measuring can be understood by a person skilled in the art.
② Examples where the examiner has a reason to suspect the prima facie identity are the followings:
・ (s)he reveals that a prior art product is identical with the product of the claimed invention as a result of converting the function or characteristic, etc. into a different definition with the same meaning or a different method for testing or measuring the same;
・ where a claimed invention and a cited invention are defined by identical or similar function or characteristic, etc. which are measured or evaluated under different measuring conditions or different evaluation methods, and there is a certain relationship between them, and there is a high probability that the function or characteristic, etc. defining the cited invention, if measured or evaluated under the same measuring conditions or evaluation method as the claimed invention, is included in the function or characteristic, etc. defining the claimed invention;
・ a product of the claimed invention has been revealed identical in structure with a certain product after the filing and (s)he discovers the particular product is publicly known prior to the filing;
・本願の明細書若しくは図面に実施の形態として記載されたものと同一又は類似の引用発明が発見された場合 ( 例えば、実施の形態として記載された製造工程と同一の製造工程及び類似の出発物質を有する引用発明を発見したとき、又は実施の形態として記載された製造工程と類似の製造工程及び同一の出発物質を有する引用発明を発見したときなど )
・ (s)he discovers a prior art product which is identical with or similar to a mode for carrying out the claimed invention (for example, (s)he discovers a prior art product of which starting material is similar to and of which manufacturing process is identical with those of the mode for carrying out the claimed invention, or (s)he discovers a prior art product of which starting material is identical with and of which manufacturing process is similar to those of the mode for carrying out the claimed invention, etc.); and
・ the claimed invention and a cited invention have common matters defining the inventions other than those defining a product by its function or characteristic, etc., and the cited invention has the same objective or effect as the matters defining a product by its function or characteristic, etc. have, and there is a high probability that the function or characteristic, etc. defining the cited invention is included in the function or characteristic, etc. defining the claimed invention
The examiner should follow the ordinary method when the requirement of novelty can be examined without using this exceptional handling.
(4) 製造方法による生産物の特定を含む請求項についての取扱い
(4) Handling of a claim with statements defining a product by its manufacturing process
① If a claim is one with statements defining a product by its manufacturing process, there may be cases where it is difficult to determine what is the product per se structurally. In such circumstances, if the examiner has a reason to suspect that the claimed product would be prima facie identical with the product of the cited invention without making a strict comparison of the claimed product with the product of the cited invention, the examiner may send the notice of reasons for refusal under Article 29(1), as far as there is no other difference, as mentioned in the above (3).
The above-mentioned handling, however, shall not be applied, if matters defining the cited invention include statements defining a product by its manufacturing process.
② Examples where the examiner has a reason to suspect the prima facie identity are the followings:
・ (s)he discovers a product of a cited invention of which starting material is similar to and of which manufacturing process is identical with those of the product of the claimed invention;
・ (s)he discovers a product of a cited invention of which starting material is identical with and of which manufacturing process is similar to those of product of the claimed invention;
・ a product of the claimed invention has been revealed identical in structure with a certain product after the filing, and (s)he discovers the particular product is publicly known prior to the filing of the application; and
・ (s)he discovers a cited invention which is identical with or similar to a mode for carrying out the claimed invention.
The examiner should follow the ordinary method when the requirement of novelty can be examined without using this exceptional handling.
1.6 第 29 条第 1 項の規定に基づく拒絶理由通知
1.6 Notice of Reasons for Refusal under the provision of Patent Act Article 29(1)
請求項に係る発明が、第 29 条第 1項の規定により特許を受けることができないものであるとの心証を得た場合には、拒絶理由を通知する。 出願人はこれに対して意見書、実験成績証明書等により反論、釈明をすることができる。 そしてそれらにより、請求項に係る発明が第 29 条第 1 項の規定により特許を受けることができないものであるとの審査官の心証を真偽不明になる程度まで否定できた場合には、拒絶理由は解消する。審査官の心証が変わらない場合には、新規性の欠如の拒絶理由に基づく拒絶の査定をする。
If the examiner has a conviction that a claimed invention is unpatentable under Article 29 (1), (s)he will send a notice of reasons for refusal to an applicant. The applicant may argue or clarify by putting forth a written argument or a certificate of experimental results, etc. against the notice of reasons for refusal. The reason for refusal is to be dissolved if the applicant’s argument succeeds in changing the examiner’s evaluation at least to the extent that it is unclear that the claimed invention is unpatentable under Article 29(1). Where the applicant’s argument does not change the examiner’s evaluation to that extent, the examiner may render a decision of refusal on the ground of lacking novelty.
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