

海老そば 宝龍  @浅草 上野 

海老そば  宝龍 @上野(浅草)








海老そば (中華料理) @登戸   中国家庭料理 神洲之華

商品名: 海鮮あんかけラーメン

登戸 神洲之華









海老そば(中華料理) @登戸 天福楼

商品名: エビラーメン

登戸 天福楼





海老そば 宝龍  @浅草 上野 

海老そば  宝龍 @上野(浅草)




海老そば  @御徒町(上野)  大興

海老そば (ランチ)







海老そば  王家私菜  神保町(九段下)

海老そば のランチセット






海鮮つゆそば 中国料理 福 向ケ丘店

海鮮つゆそば 中国料理 福 向ケ丘店 




五目めん @上野 家宴

上野駅周辺 家宴

商品名: 五目めん  700円(税込み)




日英対照表   --プロダクト・バイ・プロセス・クレームに関する当面の審査・審判の取扱い等について-- (Interim Handling Procedures for Examinations and Appeals/Trials involving Product-by-process Claims)


↓ 特許庁の日本語ページアドレス

↓ 特許庁の英語ページアドレス


Interim Handling Procedures for Examinations and Appeals/Trials involving Product-by-process Claims


July 6, 2015

Japan Patent Office
On June 5, 2015, the Supreme Court entered judgments on two cases (Nos. 2012(ju)1204 and 2012(ju)2658) involving product-by-process claims, i.e.,  claims concerning inventions of products reciting manufacturing processes of the products.

The JPO refrained from making its own judgment on the opinion of these decisions by the Supreme Court, while it was still in the process of reviewing how to handle this issue for examinations and appeals/trials. At this time, the JPO would like to inform you that as of today, it has made a decision on how to handle product-by-process claims for the time-being for examinations and appeals/trials. Accordingly, the interim handling procedures are described below.

The interim handling procedures apply to examinations on patent applications which either have already been filed or which will be filed at a future date. In the same manner, the interim procedures apply to currently pending cases or cases which will be requested and pending at a future date. (Pending cases refer to appeals/trials, oppositions, cases for advisory opinion on the technical scope of a patented invention, etc.; and hereinafter are referred to as "Appeals/trials, etc.")

Therefore, Appeals/trials, etc. in which patents have already been granted are subject to these interim handling procedures.

1. Interim Handling of Examinations

Based on the opinion of the judgments by the Supreme Court on the above-mentioned cases, an outline of the interim handling of examinations is provided below:

○ 物の発明に係る請求項にその物の製造方法が記載されている場合は、審査官が「不可能・非実際的事情」があると判断できるときを除き、当該物の発明は不明確であると判断し、拒絶理由を通知します。
When a claim concerning an invention of a product recites a manufacturing process of the product, the examiner will notify any reasons for refusal whenever the invention of that product is not clear. However, this will not be the case when the examiner can find that the invention involves "impossible or impractical circumstances".

The term "impossible or impractical circumstances" means any circumstances in which it is impossible or utterly impractical to define the product based on its structure or characteristics at the time the subject application for such product was filed.


The reasons for refusal will be notified to give the applicant an opportunity to assert and prove the existence of "impossible or impractical circumstances", and also an opportunity to make an argument and/or an amendment thereof. These opportunities are given in order to avoid situations in which an already granted patent could include grounds for invalidation, or in which interests of third parties could be unfairly harmed.

○ 出願人は、当該拒絶理由を解消するために、反論以外に、以下の対応をとることができます。
The applicant can file other responses as arguments against a notice of reasons for refusal in order to resolve such reasons, including:

(i) deleting any claim concerned,
(ii) amending any claim concerned into a claim concerning an invention of a process for producing a product,

(iii) amending any claim concerned into a claim concerning an invention of a product which does not include a manufacturing process, and/or

(iv) asserting and proving the existence of "impossible or impractical circumstances" based on a written argument.

○ 出願人の「不可能・非実際的事情」についての主張・立証の内容に、合理的な疑問がない限り(通常、拒絶理由通知時又は拒絶査定時に、審査官が具体的な疑義を示せない限り)、審査官は、「不可能・非実際的事情」が存在するものと判断します。

When the applicant asserts and proves the existence of "impossible or impractical circumstances", the examiner will, normally, conclude that "impossible or impractical circumstances" do exist. However, this will not be the case when the examiner has doubts, based on a tangible reason, about the existence of "impossible or impractical circumstances".


2. Interim Handling of Appeals and Trials

Appeals/trials, etc. involving product-by-process claims will be examined based on the opinion of the judgments by the Supreme Court, in the same manner as "1. Interim Handling of Examinations".

○ 拒絶査定不服審判において、物の発明に係る請求項にその物の製造方法が記載されている場合は、「不可能・非実際的事情」があると合議体が審判請求人に聞くまでもなく判断できるときを除き、拒絶理由を通知します。審判請求人は「1.当面の審査の取扱いについて」と同様に、補正や、意見書等における「不可能・非実際的事情」の主張・立証等の対応をとることができます。

Regarding appeals against any examiner's decision of refusal, when a claim concerning an invention of a product recites a manufacturing process of the product, the appeal examiners will notify the reasons for refusal whenever the invention of a product is not clear. However, this will not be the case when the appeals panel can clearly find, even without inquiring to the subject demandant of an appeal, that "impossible or impractical circumstances" do exist.


3. Revisions to the Examination Guidelines and Examination Handbook

現在、産業構造審議会 知的財産分科会 特許制度小委員会 審査基準専門委員会WGの議論を踏まえた審査基準・審査ハンドブックの全面改訂を進めています。本件に関する審査基準・審査ハンドブックの改訂についても、審査基準・審査ハンドブックの全面改訂の中で行います。
The JPO currently is in the process of revising its Examination Guidelines and Examination Handbook, based on discussions being held by the Working Group on the Patent Examination Standards supervised by the Patent System Subcommittee under the Intellectual Property Committee of the Industrial Structure Council. Accordingly, the issue of product-by-process claims will also be included in the revised Examination Guidelines and Examination Handbook, when they are released.

The revised Examination Guidelines and Examination Handbook are scheduled to be released around the beginning of October 2015. After that time, the issue of product-by-process claims will be determined based on the final provisions stipulated in the revised Examination Guidelines and Examination Handbook.

[更新日 201576日]

[Last updated 7 July 2015]


えびソバ @ 登戸  上海屋

登戸 上海屋

商品名: えびソバ(エビソバ)  850円(税込み)

(写真が不鮮明か・・・2015年現在なのにIphone 3GSで撮影)




海鮮五目麺 (中華料理) @水道橋 祥龍房 水道橋店

商品名: 海鮮五目麺 (だったと思う)  780円




特製福園ラーメン(塩味) (台湾料理) @相武台前  福園

商品名: 特製福園ラーメン(塩味)  905円





芝海老そば (中華料理) @海老名 魯園菜館

海老名 魯園菜館

商品名: 芝海老そば (700円)



海老そば(中華料理) @登戸 天福楼

登戸 天福楼

商品名: エビラーメン



(日英 対照表) 特許庁 「判定」(ADVISORY OPINION on the Technical Scope of a Patent Invention)

(日英 対照表) 特許庁 翻訳 「判定」(ADVISORY OPINION on the Technical Scope of a Patent Invention)




ADVISORY OPINION on the Technical Scope of a Patent Invention
Advisory Opinion on the Technical Scope of a Patent Invention
No. 2014-600045
182 Shimobun, Kinsei-cho, Shikokuchuo-shi, Ehime
請求人ユニ・チャーム 株式会社
Demandant: Unicharm Corporation
東京都港区愛宕二丁目5番1号 愛宕グリーンヒルズMORIタワー21階 フェリシテ特許業務法人
Felicite Tokkyo-Gyomu-Hojin (Patent Professional Corporation),
21st floor, Atago Green Hills MORI Tower, 5-1, Atago 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
代理人弁理士伊藤 市太郎
Representative patent attorney: Ichitaro Ito
東京都港区愛宕二丁目5番1号 愛宕グリーンヒルズMORIタワー21階
21st floor, Atago Green Hills MORI Tower, 5-1, Atago 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
代理人弁理士高岡 正之
Representative patent attorney: Masayuki Takaoka
The advisory opinion on the technical scope of a patent invention for Patent No. 5135379 is
stated and concluded as follows:
The “absorbent article” indicated in the Drawing A and explanatory document A
and the absorbent material in the Demandant’s Exhibit No. 1 belongs within the same
technical scope of the invention claimed in Patent No. 5135379.
First. Objective for the request
The request has been made to seek an advisory opinion regarding the subject case and to determine whether the “absorbent article” (hereinafter, referred to as “Article A”) indicated in the Drawing A and explanatory document A and the absorbent material indicated in Demandant’s Exhibit No. 1 belong within the same technical scope of the invention described in Claim 1 of Patent No. 5135379.
It should be noted that in the request seeking for an advisory opinion for this
case, no demandee exists. Due to the non-existence of any demandee, the Demandant
claims that in the Petition dated October 15, 2014, Article A in the subject case was
sold in a foreign country but that a detailed investigation to verify this was difficult.
This resulted in it being impossible to specify, the other party, that is, the demandee.
Second. Subject Patent Invention
1. Particulars of procedures
Patent Application April 7, 2010
Notice of reasons for refusal September 5, 2012
Written opinion and Amendment October 22, 2012
Grant of Patent November 2, 2012
Registration of Patent November 16, 2012
Request for Advisory Opinion September 16, 2014
Petition October 15, 2014
Notice of matters to be examined October 21, 2014
Oral proceedings statement brief October 29, 2014
Petition November 7, 2014
Oral proceedings and Examination of evidence November 7, 2014
The evidence will be abbreviated as “Demandant No. 1” for “Demandant’s Evidence No. 1”.
2. Subject Patent Invention

本件特許発明1の構成要件を分説すると以下のとおりである(以下「構成 要件A」などという。)。 
The invention described in Claim 1 in Patent No. 5135379 will be judged against Demandant No. 2 and Demandant No. 4 (hereinafter, referred to as “Patent invention 1”) specified below, as viewed from the claims, the patent specification, and the description of the drawings based on the matters described in Claim 1 of the Patent No. 5135379..

The constituent components in Patent invention 1 will be separately described as
follows (hereinafter, referred to as “constituent component A”, for example):
It should be noted that the following will be separately described, as it originally was indicated in the request for advisory opinion by the demandant, and this appears to be appropriate, and thus, presented here as is.
“[Claim 1]
A. An absorbent article comprising: a chassis; and an absorber having a same color as the chassis, wherein:
B. the chassis has a front waistline region, a rear waistline region, and a crotch region intervened between the front waistline region and the rear waistline region;
C. the absorber is provided closer to a skin contact surface side of the absorbent article than the chassis, over the crotch region to the front waistline region and the rear waistline region;
D. in the front waistline region and the rear waistline region, a plurality of waistline elastic members is provided along a widthwise direction of the absorbent article;
E. in the crotch region, the waistline elastic member provided in the front waistline region and the waistline elastic member provided in the rear waistline region are arranged so as not to come in contact with each other;
F. in the front waistline region or the rear waistline region, an identifier of linear shape is provided so as to be visually recognizable from only a non-skin contact surface side of the absorbent article, in a first region which is provided with the absorber, and to be visually recognizable from both the non-skin contact surface side and the skin contact surface side of the absorbent article, in a second region which is not provided with the absorber; and
G. the identifier is arranged over the first region and the second region;
H. out of the plurality of waistline elastic members, the waistline elastic members which make up the identifier are elastic members for front leg-hole gathers provided in the front waistline region and elastic members for rear leg-hole gathers provided in the rear waistline region;
I. the elastic members for front leg-hole gathers are disposed linearly; and
J. the elastic members for rear leg-hole gathers are disposed while curving along a region forming a leg-hole opening.”
Third. Article A
1. Material relating to Article A
The demandant attached, as documents for describing Article A, “the Drawing A and explanatory document A” (Demandants 1-1 to 1-3, and Demandants 3-1 to 3-4), and presented as Demandant’s Exhibit No. 1, which is of itself Article A.
Article A is the “absorbent article” indicated in “the Drawing A and explanatory document A” and Demandant’s Exhibit No. 1.
2. Drawing A and explanatory document A
In accordance with the Drawing A and explanatory document A, the following can be perceived.
(1) At the right side of Demandant No. 1-1 and at the left side of Demandant No. 1-2, there is a design showing that Article A is designed to be worn on a human body.
(2) In accordance with Demandant No. 1-3, when Article A is placed on a mannequin of a human body, it can be worn naturally.
(3) When Demandant No. 1-3 and the Demandants 3-1 to 3-4 are considered altogether, Article A has a waistline region shown by S10A-1 and S10B-1 and a crotch region shown by S20-1.
(4) In accordance with Demandant No. 1-3 and Demandants 3-1 to 3-4, in Article A, the waistline region except for region X-1 is gray, and the crotch region and regions X-1 (two locations) are white.

(5) The waistline region has a plurality of ring-shaped objects shown by 90F-1, 100-1, 92-1, and 91-1 in the height direction when worn.
(6) Of the plurality of ring-shaped objects, the leg-hole objects 100-1 and 92-1 have a shorter interval than the other objects labeled 90F-1 and 91-1.
(7) The front-side leg-hole object 100-1 is linear, and the back-side leg-hole object 92-1 is curved along the outer shape.
(8) The leg-hole objects 100-1 and 92-1 having a shorter interval cannot be perceived from one side (Demandants 3-1, 3-3) and can be perceived from the other side (Demandants 3-2, 3-3) in the crotch region S20-1 that correspond to a crotch when worn and regions X-1 (two locations) on both sides, in connection therewith. However, the objects can be perceived from both sides in the region other than the above-described regions (Demandants 3-1 to 3-4).
(9) In the waistline region, wrinkles are formed in a portion other than the ring-shaped objects.
(10) The member 2-1 in the crotch region S20-1 and the regions X-1 (two locations) on both sides in connection with the crotch region S20-1 have different features from the members in other regions.
(11) In the crotch region, there is no ring-shaped object.
3. Demandant’s Exhibit No. 1
Demandant’s Exhibit No. 1 is shown in the inspection record as follows: In the decision of the subject case, the photos are omitted.
(1) The package is as set forth in the Demandant’s Exhibit No. 1-1 and the Demandant’s Exhibit No. 1-2.

In the package, 20 items of Articles A are packaged in a folded state.
(2) When one Article A is taken out, the article is first in a folded state and then opened, and the size in a planar view when the article is fully opened is 70 cm in length, 18.7 cm in central width, and 55 g in weight.
(3) When Article A is placed on the lower half of a mannequin of a human body having a 70.5 cm waistline, with one side facing forward, the resultant shape is natural.However, when it is worn while the other side is facing forward, the resultant shape is unnatural.
In the natural shape, a mark “F” is placed at the front outer side, and a mark “B” is placed at the back outer side.
(4) Article A is formed by a cloth-like member in an approximate cylinder when naturally worn, and at the lower part thereof, a crotch member is formed. As a whole, the article expands and contracts around the axis of a human body.
(5) In the cloth-like member in an approximate cylinder, a plurality of ring-shaped members of which some portions are marked with felt-tip pens in black, red, and blue are formed in the vertical direction of a human body, that is, in the waist portion and the leg portion.
The ring-shaped member has flexibility.
The flexibility e created by the ring-shaped member forms wrinkles in the cloth-like member in an approximate cylinder.
(6) When the portion, which corresponds to the right and left sides of a human body when worn, is cut in the vertical direction of a human body, and then, developed, the result is as indicated in Demandant’s Exhibit No. 3-1, the Demandant’s Exhibit No. 3-3, Demandant’s Exhibit No. 3-2, and Demandant’s Exhibit No. 3-4.
(7) Inside the crotch member, a different member harder than the cloth-like member is provided, and this corresponds to portion 2-1 in X-1 (two locations) of Demandant’s Exhibit No. 3-1 and Demandant’s Exhibit No. 3-2.
(8) When a pseudo urine composed mainly of 150 cc of sodium chloride is dropped onto a crotch member at a side coming into contact with the human body when worn, the liquid is absorbed by a different member provided inside the crotch member.
(9) Article A made of the cloth-like member in an approximate cylinder and the crotch member is “white” in color, and the different member provided inside the crotch member is “white” in color.
(10) The interval, when worn, between the ring-shaped members (92-1 and 100-1 of Demandant’s Exhibit No. 3-1 and Demandant’s Exhibit No. 3-2) formed in the leg-hole is shorter than that between the ring-shaped members (91-1 and 90F-1) formed in the waistline.”
4. Recognition of Article A
(1) Article A
The object indicated in “the Drawing A and explanatory document A” and Demandant’s Exhibit No. 1 are recognized to be the identical article (see (1) and (6) in the inspection record).
In accordance with (3) and (4) in the inspection record, Article A is worn on the waist area of a human body, when worn naturally; and in addition, the skin contact surface side, the skin non-contact surface side, and both the front and back can be specified.
Therefore, Demandants 3-1 and 3-3 show the skin contact surface side, where the right side is in the front and the left side is in the back; and Demandants 3-2 and 3-4 show the skin non-contact surface side, where the right side is in the front and the left side is in the back.
That is, in Demandants 3-1 and 3-2, it is possible to say that the S10A-1 is the front waistline region and the S10B-1 is the back waistline region.
In accordance with (5) in the inspection record, the ring-shaped member in (5) in the inspection record corresponds to a ring-shaped object shown in 90F-1, 100-1, 92-1, and 91-1 in Demandants 3-1 and 3-2. The ring-shaped member (ring-shaped object) is a flexible member.
In accordance with (7) and (8) in the inspection record, in the crotch region S20-1 and regions X-1 (two locations) on the both sides in connection therewith in Demandants 3-1 and 3-2, a different member 2-1 is provided that absorbs liquid into itself.
In accordance with “the Drawing A and explanatory document A”, the waistline region except for region X-1 is gray, and the crotch region and regions X-1 (two locations) are white (see above 2. (4)); however, in accordance with (9) in the inspection record, both are white.
The reason for this is that in the portion that appears to be gray in “the Drawing A and explanatory document A”, the thickness of the cloth-like member is relatively thinner, and thus, the black color in the background passes through the cloth-like member.
When Article A is orderly summarized to correspond to the constituent components A. to J. ofPatent Invention 1, Article A is recognized to include the following configurations (hereinafter, referred to as “configuration a”, etc.). For reference, reference numerals in Demandants 3-1 and 3-2 are added.
“a. An article, comprising: a white cloth-like member, a crotch member, and a different member 2-1 that absorbs liquid, wherein
i. the cloth-like member and the crotch member include a front waistline region S10A-1, a back waistline region S10B-1, and a crotch region S20-1 located between the front waistline region and the back waistline region;
u. the different member 2-1 is provided closer to a skin contact surface side than the cloth-like member and the crotch member, and provided in the crotch region S20-1 and in regions X-1 (two locations) on the both sides in connection therewith;
e. in the front waistline region S10A-1 and the back waistline region S10B-1, a plurality of ring-shaped flexible members 90F-1, 100-1, 92-1, and 91-1 are provided in the verticle direction when worn;
o. in the crotch region S20-1, the ring-shaped flexible member does not exist;
ka. when worn, the ring-shaped flexible members 100-1 and 92-1 having a short interval therebetween cannot be perceived from a contact surface side and can be perceived from a non-contact surface side, in the crotch region S20-1 and regions X-1 (two locations) on the both sides in connection with the crotch region S20-1, and can be perceived from the both sides in a remaining
region Y-1;
ki. the ring-shaped flexible members 100-1 and 92-1 having a short interval therebetween are provided over the crotch region S20-1, the regions X-1 (two locations) on the both sides in connection therewith, and the remaining region Y-1;
ku. the ring-shaped flexible members 100-1 and 92-1, having a shorter interval, out of the plurality of ring-shaped flexible members are provided in a leg-hole, and wrinkles are formed, by the flexible members, in the cloth-like member;
ke. the front-side flexible member 100-1 having a short interval is linear; and
ko. the back-side flexible member 92-1 having a short interval is curved along the outer shape.
Fourth. Comparison and decision from the examination
1. Subject Patent Invention 1
Whether or not Article A satisfies the constituent components A to J of Patent Invention 1 will be examined by sequentially correlating and comparing the constituents component to the configuration of Article A such as correlating/comparing the constituent component A to the configuration a of Article A, and correlating/comparing the constituent component B to the configuration i thereof.
(1) Constituent component A
It is obvious based on common general knowledge that the “cloth-like member and the crotch member” in Article A correspond to the “chassis” in Patent Invention 1.
The “different member 2-1” in Article A absorbs liquid, and thus, it
corresponds to the “absorber” in Patent Invention 1. Therefore Article A can be
considered to be “the absorbent article”.
The cloth-like member, the crotch member, and the different member 2-1 that absorbs liquid” in Article A are all “white”, and thus, these correspond to the “absorber having a same color as the chassis” in Patent Invention 1.
Therefore, the configuration a in Article A satisfies the constituent component A.
(2) Constituent component B
As stated in (1), “the cloth-like member and the crotch member” in Article A corresponds to “the chassis” in Patent Invention 1.
Therefore, the configuration i in Article A satisfies the constituent component B.
(3) Constituent component C
As stated in (1), “the different member 2-1” in Article A corresponds to “the absorber body” in Patent Invention 1.
The feature in Article A that “the different members 2-1” are “provided in the crotch region S20-1 and the regions X-1 (two locations) on the both sides in communication therewith” corresponds to the feature in Patent Invention 1 that “the absorber” is “provided over the crotch region to the front waistline region and the rear waistline region”.
Therefore, the configuration u in Article A satisfies the constituent component C.
(4) Constituent component D
It may be possible to say that the “flexible member” in Article A is the “elastic member” in Patent Invention 1.
Further, it may be possible to say that the feature in Article A that “the plurality of ring-shaped flexible members are provided in the virticle direction when worn” is the feature that the plurality of elastic members are provided along the widthwise direction around the waistline.
Therefore, the feature in Article A, namely that “a plurality of ring-shaped flexible members 90F-1, 100-1, 92-1, and 91-1 are provided in the verticle direction when worn” corresponds to the feature in Patent Invention 1, which is that “a plurality of waistline elastic members are provided along the widthwise direction of the absorbent article”.
Therefore, the configuration e in Article A satisfies the constituent component D.
(5) Constituent component E
As in (4), it may be possible to say that the “flexible member” in Article A is the “elastic member”.
In Article A, “the ring-shaped flexible member does not exist” in “the crotch region S20-1”, and thus, the feature in Article A, which is that “in the crotch region S20-1, the ring-shaped flexible member does not exist” corresponds to the feature in Patent Invention 1, which is that “in the crotch region, the waistline elastic member provided in the front waistline region and the waistline elastic member provided in the rear waistline region are arranged so as not to come in contact with each other”.
Therefore, the configuration o in Article A satisfies the constituent component E.
(6) Constituent component F
As in (4), it may be possible to say that the “flexible member” in Article A is the “elastic member”.
The feature in Article A, namely that the “ring-shaped flexible members 100-1 and 92-1 having a short interval therebetween” have become linear in shaped according to Demandants 3-1 and 3-2 which have a shorter interval therebetween. Thus, it is possible to visually distinguish from the other “ring-shaped flexible members 90F-1 and 91-1”.
The “linear discrimination unit” in Patent Invention 1 is a “visually recognizable” object, and as an embodiment, it includes an “object having a short interval between the elastic members” (paragraph 0069 and 0090).
Therefore, the “ring-shaped flexible members having a short interval therebetween” in Article A corresponds to the “identifier of linear shape” in Patent Invention 1.
“The crotch region S20-1 and the regions X-1 (two locations) on the both sides in connection therewith” in Article A are regions in which the “different member 2-1”, that is, the “absorber” is provided, and of these, “regions X-1 (two locations) on the both sides in connection therewith” corresponds to “in the front waistline region or the rear waistline region, the first region which is provided with the absorber” in Patent Invention 1.
Further, as in Third. 4. o, in the “crotch region” in Article A, “the ring-shaped flexible members do not exist”, and thus, the “remaining region Y-1” in Article A corresponds to the “second region which is not provided with the absorber” in Patent Invention 1.
Then, the configuration ka in Article A satisfies the constituent component F.
(7) Constituent component G
As in (6), the “ring-shaped flexible members 100-1 and 92-1 having a short interval therebetween” in Article A corresponds to the “identifier of linear shape” in Patent Invention 1.
“Regions X-1 (two locations) on both sides in connection therewith” in Article A corresponds to the “first region” in Patent Invention 1 and the “remaining region Y-1” corresponds to the “second region”.
Therefore, the configuration ki in Article A satisfies the constituent component G.
(8) Constituent component H
As in (4), the “plurality of ring-shaped flexible members” in Article A corresponds to the “plurality of waistline elastic members” in Patent Invention 1, and as in (6), the “ring-shaped flexible members 100-1 and 92-1 having a short interval therebetween” in Article A corresponds to the “identifier” in Patent Invention 1.
Then, the flexible nature created by of the “ring-shaped flexible members 100-1 and 92-1 having a short interval therebetween” forms wrinkles in the cloth-like member in an approximate cylinder shape.
The “ring-shaped flexible members 100-1 and 92-1 having a short interval therebetween” in Article A are “provided in the leg-holes”, and “the flexible members 100-1 having a short interval therebetween” are provided at the front side and the “flexible member 92-1s having a short interval therebetween” is provided at the back side, with both creating the “ring-shape”.
Both members are “provided in the leg-hole, and due to the flexible nature of the members, wrinkles are formed in the cloth-like member”.
“wrinkles” can also be called “gathers” (Demandant No. 5-3)
That is, the “ring-shaped flexible members 100-1 and 92-1 having a short interval therebetween” in Article A corresponds to “the waistline elastic members which make up the identifier” in Patent Invention 1, “Flexible members 100-1 having a short interval therebetween” at the front side corresponds to the “elastic members for front leg-hole gathers”, and “flexible members 92-1 having a short interval therebetween” provided at the back side corresponds to the “elastic members for rear leg-hole gathers”.
Therefore, the configuration ku in Article A satisfies the constituent component H.
(9) Constituent component I
As in (8), the “flexible members 100-1 having a short interval therebetween” at the front side in Article A corresponds to the “elastic members for front leg-hole gathers” in Patent Invention 1.
Therefore, the configuration ke in Article A satisfies the constituent component I.
(10) Constituent component J
As in (8), the “flexible members 92-1 having a short interval therebetween”
at the front side in Article A corresponds to the “elastic members for rear leg-hole gathers” in Patent Invention 1.
“Curved along the outer shape” in Article A corresponds to “along a region which forms a leg-hole opening” in the subject patent invention 1.
Therefore, the configuration ko in Article A satisfies the constituent component J.
(11) Summary
Therefore, all the configurations a to ko in Article A satisfy the constituent components A to J in Patent Invention 1.
Sixth. Conclusion
As described above, Article A satisfies all the constituent components A to J in Patent Invention 1, and thus, Article A belongs within the technical scope of Patent Invention 1.
Therefore, the advisory opinion has been made and concluded.
November 21, 2014
審判長特許庁審判官栗林 敏彦
Trial Examiner-in-Chief JPO Trial Examiner Toshihiko Kuribayashi
特許庁審判官千葉 成就
JPO Trial Examiner Shigenari Chiba
JPO Trial Examiner Makoto Watanabe
〔判定分類〕P12 .1 -YA (A41B)
[Classification of Advisory Opinion] P12.1 -YA (A41B)



It is hereby certified that the foregoing is a true copy of the matters recorded on file.

Certification date: November 21, 2014 Trial Clerk Takeshi Kurita